1984 Themes Analysis Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: 1984, Books, Orwell, Writers
đź“ŚWords: 566
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 25 August 2022

The ideas explored in 1984 are very much relevant to the contemporary world. An example explored in the book that is relevant today is the idea of constantly being watched or under surveillance. The telescreens used in the book are a type of listening in and watching everything occurring in that area and monitoring each person. People now in modern times feel as if phones or electronics can listen in on them as there can sometimes be targeted ads that pop up after talking about whatever it was. Additionally, microphones that are used by the thought police to hear everything that is going on at any time can relay the messages that can relate to how today that microphones in phones can relay messages that produce pop-up ads that seem to be catered to the viewer. Also with the telescreen, no one cannot see who or what is monitoring behind that screen. This continues to be seen today with phones and computers that have the camera feature for facetime and calls. The phone portrays the image of us facing it, but it cannot be seen what is going on behind the camera similar to how no one can see what or who is on the other side of the telescreen. Another idea that can be seen from this book in the contemporary world is how children seem to call out their elders or superiors when they believe that something is wrong. In the book, the children are the ones who full-heartedly believe in Big Brother and its message, so with their passion, they use it to continue to fight for their cause. Today, the younger generation tends to be more on the side of benign more outspoken in what they believe. If one of the people of the younger era tends to be more vocal and point out errors where they see them be. When the children in the book called out the people they knew, they however took it to the extreme of calling out every suspicion that they had on another person and the people in charge would just believe them without much evidence to back up their claim. This is very similar to how the Salem Witch trials took place as people would just blindly believe what others said. The ideals that are in the book can also be seen today such as the scandal as seen then and today of affairs. Winston and Julia have an affair while he is stilled “married” to Kathrine, however, the “marriage” between Wonston and Kathrine was one specifically to make sure there was no love within the relationship were compared to today where that is the ideal when looking to marry. Another similar ideal that is shown in the book and seen today is loyalty. In 1984 loyalty was more in line with staying loyal to the Party and Big Brother, while today loyalty is sought in relationships with other people or staying loyal to one’s word. The book shows people’s loyalty taken to the extreme when children report their own family in the name of staying loyal to their Party. Today, staying loyal to a partner, friend or colleague is what everybody wants because it makes one more reliable and trustworthy to that person. The ideals sought after in the book are similar to the ones today as seen, however, the book tends to exaggerate them to an extreme that in modern times not matched. Though the one thing that this book has an uncanny similarity to today is the technology and idea of Big Brother or benign watch which is very much still a concern of today.

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