A Comparision of Hamilton and Jefferson Essay Example

📌Category: Government, History, History of the United States, Politics, United States, World
📌Words: 388
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 23 June 2021

Although Jefferson and Hamilton were both admired politicians during the 1700s their views didn’t correlate with eachother in the slightest. Like others that time both Jefferson and Hamilton belonged to a political party. Jefferson was part of the Democratic-Republic party while Hamilton was part of the Federalist party. Their stances would vary from the best type of government to America’s role in the French Revolution. Hamilton and Jefferson's differing views did not stop regarding topics such as the economy and their personal view of human nature. 

Hamilton’s view on the economy was simple. He believed that the economy would grow best by promoting business, trading, and manufacturing. Hamilton wanted to increase the nation’s wealth and he believed business would help him achieve that. Hamilton also wanted to open a national bank to collect taxes, print paper money owned by the government, and give the nation a stable currency. The banks would give loans to businesses to build new factories and ships. Jefferson was repulsed by a national bank because he believed it would only benefit the wealthy. Jefferson believed the economy would flourish off farmers and country folk. He favored an economy built off agriculture and opposed anything he believed was “anti-farmer”.

The economy wasn’t the only thing Jefferson and Hamilton disagreed on, they also viewed human nature quite differently. Hamilton believed people only do things to benefit themselves rather than the country. He thought people would rather gain profit rather than do any good. In Hamilton’s eyes, humans were selfish creatures. Hamilton also believed only the rich and the highest in the hierarchy should govern America. He distrusted any form of government that would give more power to the people and didn’t trust “common people”. On the other hand, Jefferson believed citizens could and would make good choices for themselves and their country. He had confidence in everyday people. Jefferson also believed common people should be in places of power rather than the richest since it affected them more.

In conclusion, Hamilton and Jefferson's views would contrast quite often. They would disagree about what they believe is the backbone of the economy. Jefferson was in favor of agriculture, but Hamilton believed it was business. They also disagreed on how to view human nature. While Jefferson believed people were good and should be trusted Hamilton believed the opposite. The views they were arguing about in the 1700s are still prevalent in today's society, many are still conflicted on who they believe was morally right and who would be a better fit for this country.

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