Analysis Essay on the Character TJ In Antaeus by Borden Deal

đź“ŚCategory: Literary Genre, Literature
đź“ŚWords: 670
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 04 June 2022

It is clear that TJ is the natural leader for the boys. Throughout the story we can see both indirect and direct attributions of TJ being a leader. There are certain traits that are drawn out in contrast to the other boys, a combination of which being his confidence and tenacity. Another feature we notice is how hard-working and focused he is on the task at hand. Finally, we observe how knowledgeable TJ is when it comes to nature as well as how to interact with other people.

The first distinguishable features we see in TJ are his confidence and determination. At the beginning of the story, TJ met the boys with great aplomb and it is stated that the boys are “attracted by his strange sense of rightness and belonging”(2), and TJ immediately allured everyone and gained their respect. TJ is sure of every decision he makes and the boys have faith in him. Moreover, TJ is always optimistic about his vision no matter what obstacles are thrown at them. TJ is determined in the fulfillment of their creation and “[keeps] the vision bright within [them]”(3). By doing so, the other boys feel encouraged and are curious about the next steps. They are proud of what they have accomplished but are also eager to keep building on their work. The buoyant atmosphere TJ created an intense sense of perseverance in each of them, but it especially grew in TJ himself. This quality in TJ is eminent when the boys are met with authority. He challenges the measures of the authority and is constantly asking if there is anything that can be done to prevent the destruction of their garden. It is at this moment we can see TJ’s passion and confidence for the works of him and his friends and how determined he is to keep their vision alive.

It is clear from the start of their project how incredibly hard-working and driven TJ is. He immediately starts working on the roof garden from the second they decide on the idea. The author mentions that oftentimes the boys never sustained big projects until this one because “TJ kept it going all throughout the winter months”(1) and he did this by forming the same dedication within them. At all times TJ solely focused on the garden as “he always had it on his mind”(3) and would continually speak about it to the other boys and get them to accompany him with different tasks to further the development of their garden. On some days he would work alone and bring dirt up to the roof until eventually the boys came back to help him, TJ “worked harder than any of [them]”(3). TJ kept thinking of ways to improve the garden and made it so that all of the boys were motivated through his clever words which were “calculated toward the fulfillment of his dream”(3).

TJ is full of ideas and knowledge about a variety of subjects throughout the story. Firstly, he comes up with the idea of the roof garden which immediately gets praise from the boys. TJ is quick to make a plan in his head and figures out how to set up the garden. He makes sure to take in everyone’s input on what to plant and where to get the materials they need. From there, TJ’s knowledge of farming became apparent. He knew which dirt to use and how to prepare it for planting. TJ thought ahead and was “smart enough to start in the corner of the building”(3) which meant that the gang could see the progress quickly and this boosted everyone’s morale. Not only did TJ have a lot of knowledge, but he shared it too. He taught the boy how to “[break] up the clods [of dirt]”(4) and how to plant  and take care of the garden. Aside from gardening, TJ also knew how to talk to people. Being the apparent leader of the gang, he knew what to say to get everyone involved in the process while keeping them motivated. He has a way with words in that he was able to persuade the boys to do things with him. When faced with authority, he is the one to talk and is quick to respond in a way that gives them the benefit of the doubt.

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