Analysis of Little Red Cap by the Brothers Grimm Essay Example

📌Category: Literature, Tale
📌Words: 983
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 05 June 2022

Isn't everyone aware of the story of the Little Red Cap and what it represents? The Brothers Grimm's "Little Red Cap," written by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, is one of the most well-known children's fairy stories in the world. The story opens with a description of the little girl, including how charming she is to everyone and how she came to be known as "Little Red Cap." The major plot begins when she receives instructions from her mom to bring a piece of cake and a bottle of wine to her grandmother, who is ill. In this passage, we observe a mother offering her daughter some advice or directions on how to safely enter her grandmother's house in the woods. The rest of the story is organized to explain what happened to the girl on her way to her grandmother's house, the chat she had with the wolf, how the wolf fooled the small girl, and how the wolf ate both her grandma and the girl. The huntsman arrived at the grandmother's house and protected them from the wolf in the middle, and then the girl learned from the incident and defended herself from the wolf.  Some readers may believe that the fairytale symbolizes nothing more than a girl wandering through the woods when a wolf tricks her and eats her because he is hungry. However, some readers may believe that the story represents a larger picture in real life that may be applied and understood while reading the tale. The fairytale of Little Red Cap uses symbolism to hint to the reader the possibility of second chances, the importance of children not talking to strangers, and the importance of children obeying their parents' instructions. 

The fairytale symbolizes the importance of second chances during one’s lifetime. Little Red Cap thought, “As long as I live, I will never leave the path and run off into the woods by myself if Mother tells me not to” (Grimm brothers, 2069). The Grimm’s' brothers' story teaches readers that we can learn from scary or negative experiences, which gives second chances. Little Red Cap demonstrated that when the Huntsman rescued both the grandma and the little girl, the little girl learned from her mistakes and declared that she would never walk down that route again, instead listening to her mother. Grimm’s brothers emphasize learning, and second chances becomes evident when that story is compared with Little Red Riding Hood tale and Into the Woods movie. Little Red Riding Hood is another story by Charles Perrault, who didn't give the little girl a second chance after the wolf swallowed her. “And saying these words, this wicked wolf fell upon Little Red Riding Hood, and ate her all up” (Perrault, 2063). The narrative comes to a terrible conclusion with no one to help the grandmother or the little girl. Into the Woods is a movie written by James Elliot Lapine, who is a director and a playwright. In the video from the Into the Woods film, the girl expresses her appreciation to the bakery for saving both her and her grandma, and she promises the bakery that she will never speak to wolves who put her in danger (“Into the Woods: I Know Things Now”). Little Red Cap's fairy tale illustrates the truth of second chances in the world and teaches the reader the value of learning from one's own mistakes. 

Little Red Cap indeed represents to the reader that children shouldn’t talk to strangers. Even though Little Red Cap was alone in the woods, she shouldn't talk to strangers because it would get her into a lot of trouble. But as she was a child, she communicated with the wolf and trusted him instead. Some readers may believe that this is natural and that it has no significance, while many others may believe that this is a lesson that children should be taught. “Good day to you, Little Red Cap.” “Thank you, wolf.” “Where are you going so early, Little Red Cap?” “To Grandmother’s” (Grimm brothers, 2065). This is the first talk with the wolf, in which he explains why children should not communicate or trust strangers since it could be harmful. 

Furthermore, the tale represents to the reader that children always need and must obey the parents’ instructions. The Little Red Cap was alone in the woods when the wolf approached her, and the little girl spoke to him ignoring her mother's warnings to stay on the path. “Listen, Little Red Cap, haven't you seen the beautiful flowers that are blossoming in the woods? Why don't you go and take a look? And I don't believe you can hear how beautifully the birds are singing.” (Grimm brothers, 2065). She chose a different route and ignored her mother's advice from the beginning of the tale. Little Red Cap’s mother said, “Behave yourself on the way, and do not leave the path, or you might fall down and break the glass, and then there will be nothing for your grandmother. And when you enter her parlor, don’t forget to say, ‘Good morning,’ and don’t peer into all the corners first” (Grimm brothers, 2065). In comparison to Little Red Riding Hood, the mother did not offer the little girl the same instructions that Little Red Cap received. “Go, my dear, and see how your grandmother is doing, for I hear she has been very ill. Take her a cake, and this little pot of butter” (Perrault, 2063). Little Red Riding Hood chatted freely to the wolf because her mother did not issue any instructions as indicated, which resulted into her death. When leaving their children alone, readers must learn to give clear instructions. Even though Little Red Cap had certain instructions, she ignored them and was distracted by the flowers because of the wolf, but after seeing what she saw suddenly, she realized her mistake as stated above. 

In conclusion, evidence gathered from many versions of Little Red Cap demonstrates that the narrative teaches and represents variety of lessons, including the need of listening to our parents, avoiding strangers, and learning from our mistakes from the fairytale. This fairytale may appear to some readers to be meaningless, yet it could represent a multitude of things to other readers. In comparison to Little Red Riding Hood, the Grimm brothers did an excellent job of providing a happy ending and an educational story.

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