Argumentative Essay on Surrogacy

đź“ŚCategory: Health, Reproductive health, Social Issues
đź“ŚWords: 1001
đź“ŚPages: 4
đź“ŚPublished: 26 March 2022

You and your significant other have been trying to conceive for two years now. You have been eating a healthy diet, taking folic acid vitamins daily, and you have been physically active two to three times a week. You have done everything you could to make yourself a fit mother, but nothing seems to work. Today was different though. You return home from a doctor’s visit and you are anxiously waiting for your results. Hours later, your results return stating that you are infertile. Mutually you and your husband agree that surrogacy is the answer; however, are you willing to sacrifice trust and money to another woman who will carry your child? Considering surrogacy does not just affect future parents, it stirs ethical dilemmas regarding conceiving naturally and surrogate mothers.

Surrogacy is, “the process or arrangement of someone giving birth for someone else” (Hyde, 2022). This method was made to aid parents who are wanting to have a child of their own but are a member of the LGBT community, a single parent, or are infertile. Surrogacy gives hopeful parents a fulfilling experience, a chance to make their family feel complete. There are two types of surrogacy to consider: traditional or gestational. Traditional surrogacy is when the surrogate mother’s eggs are fertilized by the sperm of the intended father using intrauterine insemination. Intrauterine insemination is when the sperm is placed directly into the uterus using a small catheter. The other popular, but more expensive option is gestational surrogacy. This is when, “the child is not biologically related to the surrogate mother” (“The Surrogacy Process - the 6 Steps of Surrogacy states”, 2021) because the egg is created from the intended mother and father. 

There are many steps onward when deciding on surrogacy. Once you have decided on traditional or gestational surrogacy, you have to decide on who the surrogate mother will be. You have the option of deciding independently; otherwise, there are agencies available to find a match. There is a whole screening process done for both the intended parents and the surrogate mother. This includes a background check, child abuse record checks, home assessments, and much more. Once the prospective surrogate has been chosen and the parents agree to move forward, there is a legal contract that will be made. This legal contract includes risks, monthly allowances, and medical decisions for the baby. Once the contracts have been signed, the fertility clinic will aid with the embryo transfer. 

Although the process of surrogacy may seem worthwhile, there are challenges that come with it. Surrogacy can be complicated due to limitations and laws. You have to be willing to give up control and allow the surrogate to care for your baby. Another challenge is the expense, “-Surrogacy costs can range from around $80,000 to upwards of $200,000” (“The Surrogacy Process - the 6 Steps of Surrogacy states”, 2021). 

One advantage of having a surrogate pregnancy is that families can feel complete. Parents who have been unsuccessful, now have their chance. With gestational surrogacy, families can have a biological relationship with their baby. There is a high success rate with surrogacy. When screenings are done, they look into mothers with track records of carrying healthy pregnancies. As the intended parent, you will be able to attend appointments such as birth and embryo transfer. By the end of the surrogacy, you will have gained two new relationships. One with your surrogate and one with your child.

Being a surrogate mother can be physically and emotionally demanding. Not only will your surrogate be carrying your baby, but she will be attending more appointments than a normal pregnancy. She will be attending fertility treatments and additional screenings. It can be emotionally draining for your surrogate mother because she will be carrying your child for nine months. That is a huge time commitment. 

Some surrogate mothers enjoy being carriers for different reasons. Many say it can be rewarding. “A surrogate can walk away from the experience with a deep sense of pride and satisfaction that they were able to help another family in the most selfless way possible” (Fox, 2017). Surrogates get the opportunity to bond with other women, the opportunity to experience pregnancy again, and the opportunity to be joyful while doing so. They are legally protected by a contract that states their responsibilities and expectations. She will be paid for the emotional and physical demands of a year-long commitment. 

I believe surrogacy should be allowed and practiced in countries outside the U.S. If both the intended parents and the surrogate mother consent to it, then it should be allowed. In relation to the ANA code for nurses, surrogacy practices autonomy, beneficence, and justice. Autonomy, the practice of giving each patient their right to decide what is best for themselves, is a huge ethical principle pertinent to surrogacy. The intended parents decide on their own that because they are infertile, their best interest is to seek someone who can provide them with their child. Surrogate mothers are not forced against their will to become a carrier, they decide on their own and out of compassion, such as beneficence, that they would like to help. Justice, the principle of fairness, is practiced by all the surrogate mothers, intended parents, nurses, and doctors. Whether the parents are infertile, the parents are members of the LGBT community, or are single parents, we respect their decisions and provide the same care to them as we would with any other parents. Using the nine main provisions, we treat every patient with the same compassion, respect, and rights. 

Surrogacy demonstrates teleological ethical issues. Christians believe it is unethical to have a child when they are not carried naturally by a man and a woman. It is teleologically ethical because, in the grand scheme of things, the more that is achieved, the more good comes out of it. The result of surrogacy benefits more individuals, meaning it was ethical and good. The surrogate mother gets compensated and the parents live happily with their child, both rewarded with a new experience.

You and your husband have weighed the pros and cons. Your main concern is having another woman in your relationship, while your husband is worried about the cost. You both have come to an agreement that both parties will be happy regardless of the outcome. You sign your contract and your surrogate mother signs hers, both understanding the safe and legal aspects. As hopeful parents, you and your husband look forward to completing your family, while your surrogate mother happily helps you do so.

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