Army Sharp Program Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Government, Military
đź“ŚWords: 501
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 25 August 2022

The US Military is the only superpower by definition in this world. That in my mind also means we are the strongest not only in lethality but also in strength. Strength is not just physical but also spiritual and mental, we are the strongest of all. We are the standard! We lead the way in so many social initiatives right now, for example passing new standards to accept those with religious preferences on a broad spectrum. In the words of Dennis Prager, “The United States is the single greatest force for good in the world!” This especially speaks to the army, we are the first to fight, we lead the way, we are the standard! 

“Not In my squad, not in my army.” These are the words of Command Sergeant Major of the Army Dailey during his speech about SHARP. This means that if we start at the lowest level within our teams and our SQUADS we can stop and prevent cases of sexual aussalt and harrasment. There will always be bad people in this world but that's what we have a standard for, so we can hold soldiers accountable and keep those evils out of OUR ARMY. This is one team, one fight and I refuse to believe we can’t achieve that. From day one we are taught what right looks like. Remember to check the soldiers to your left and your right, are they enforcing the standards? Are you? If the answer is no then they are wrong and you are wrong. Honor your battle buddies, honor what Command Sergeant Major has said. If we can enforce the standard we can protect all of those around us and put an end to sexual misconduct.

We Have the SHARP program to remind us of what we can do for ourselves and our soldiers. This is only the start of the initiative we need to make a difference. It is not enough just to attend these classes and know the resources that are available. You must also use those resources and stop it where it begins at the individual level. If you can do your part and both help and prevent it, soon we will be able to stop the problem entirely. “Sexual assault has no place in the military. It is a violation of everything that the US Military stands for.” (Leon Panetta). It would be ideal that we don’t even need a SHARP program but because we do, it is our duty to provide a welcome environment to each and every soldier. We must protect those who have become a victim and prevent more from being created.

Remember that we lead the way, we are a super power and we are meant to stand for good. Protect your squads, protect this army, maintain your pride and military bearing! Remember you as an individual and as a leader are strong both menatly and physically. We have the power to take the initiative and stop sexual harrassment and assualt in our ranks. While there are evil people in this world, we do not have to allow evil into our army. Enforce the standard, be the soldier that you expect others to be and defend what you know as right!

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