Arts Education and Its Impact on Children (Free Essay Example)

đź“ŚCategory: Art, Child development, Education, Psychology
đź“ŚWords: 563
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 08 October 2022

It is important for children to experience art education because it promotes self-expression, creativity, and non-stress. These are all essential for a child to be healthy, both mentally and physically. Depriving a child of these benefits are unethical to say the least.

Self-expression, in simple terms, is being able to express yourself emotionally, mentally, and sometimes physically. Some young artists may express what they are feeling internally through a painting or drawing. Either way, the ability to pick up any art supply and release what you are feeling is relieving. For example, when I took an art class in middle school, I was able to create projects that show what I was thinking at the moment. I was able to do this by utilizing the right hues and shades. And at the time, it served as a good way to express myself. As it managed to get all sorts of recognition, and helped me be more comfortable with expressing who I am. However, there had been times where I found myself cringing at the art works that I made in the past. Of course, this does'nt mean that art is something expendable. Being embarassed by something that you have drawn is normal. It's the same thing as feeling off-put about something you have felt before or how emotional you got over something.

This also applies to creativity, a trait that everybody has. The only difference being that we all have different ways of expressing it. One of the most well-known way of expressing creativity is through art. However, it is important to remember that art isn't just putting your pencil on a paper, or stroking a paintbrush against a canvas. Art can be anything and everything, which is why it helps promote creativity. For example, in art class, I had many times where I used my creativity in some sort of art form. I was able to create pieces using colored pencils, paints, oil pastels, even watercolor at one point. And in the process of it all, I was able to enhance the ideas that my brain was able to come up with. However, there had been times where I was unable to use art as a way to put my creativity to good use. Not that that isn't a normal occurence. Putting your ideas into work is a lengthy process. However, being in an art class really helped me learn how to reduce the process. As art classes provide profound ways of being showing your emotions and utilizing your ideas.

Of course, art isn't something that can be used just to conjure up the good things. It can also be used to release all the bad and negative things. As being able to make something with your own hands is something that is significantly satsifying to see. At least, that's how it was for me in middle school. Throughout the three years that I went to middle school, art class remained being my favorite class. And it was because of how stress-relieving it was to sit down and not only draw, but learn about the different forms of art. Of course, there were catches to being able to experience something so content. I remember that for the amount of times that I was happy being able to sit down and draw, there were times were I felt stressed about the due dates. However, one important thing to remember is that art class is not just about due dates. It's about being able to show your artistic side.

All in art, art class is something that all students can use to express their thoughts, feelings, ideas, and their worries.

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