Career Essay Sample: Circuit Court Judge

đź“ŚCategory: Business, Career
đź“ŚWords: 743
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 15 June 2022

Most people do not n’t know what Circuit court judges are or what they are responsible for. In reality, they play a very important role in circuit courts across America. Circuit courts were established by the founding fathers after they determined that any one given court could not handle the numberamount of cases that would arise. Judges who are part of the circuit courts (circuit court judges) are required to travel to each of the 12 circuits across America to evaluate cases in each region and make sure they are understood widely. These judges have multiple responsibilities, they are appointed to oversee cases of all levels. Those levels include local, state, or federal courts. 

Becoming a circuit court judge has many requirements and qualifications. Even then there are still unspoken rules about this career that you must follow in order to succeed. The first step into becoming a circuit court judge is to become a licensed attorney. Although nowhere is it stated that you must become a licensed attorney to pursue being a circuit court judge, it is the most logical first step (Online Paralegal). Becoming a licensed attorney before pursuing this career is crucial as it will help you understand your responsibilities as a circuit court judge. The language used within the court will also be easier to understand. Practicing law will also allow you to make connections with others, giving you a broader opportunity to get elected as a circuit court judge and an opportunity to build support from others (Online Paralegal). Making connections can determine whether you get elected or not. If you have no social connections it will be impossible to pursue the career. The reason for the amount of difficulty that it takes to become a circuit court judge is that  because if you want to be part of one of the 12 federal circuit courts, you will have to be elected by the president. The competition is fierce as this is a limited position. (What is A Circuit Court Judge?)

 The nomination process is brutal so its important to learn about what you should expect in a hearing. It is important to advocate for yourself and gather support in order to be nominated. The president is the individual who does the nominations but usually the senators or members of house recommend candidates (Uscourts). This means that in this instanceinstince, it is recommended that you cater to the house or the senate in order to make your way up to the nomination process. It is alsoalos important to stick to one political party. Being part of a political party will enable house and senate members of your political party to recommendrecomend you for nomination. The nomination process is merciless and hard to pass through, “ If there is anything in your background that might be used against you in getting the appointment, rest assured that it will be brought up in the hearings” (Uscourts). If you know you want to pursue a the career of being a circuit court judge in the future, it is important to do the best you can to keep your record clean and stay out of trouble. This will make you look like a proper candidate in the vetting process and will ultimately get you ahead of the other judges. (FAQs: Federal Judges)

In view of the fact that being a circuit court judge is a crucial part of the Americanamerican court system, the reward for being one comes in hefty. The average salary of a circuit court judge in 2021 is $231,800 (Uscourts). The average salary for this career is greatly higher than than the national median. The financial stability that comes with pursuing this career truly makes practicing it worth it. According to the data given, it is expected that CircuitCircout court Judges will make a higher salary by next year. Even still, it is important to pursue a career based on the passion you have for it, not the price that comes with it. 

Generally, Circuit court judges uphold a large part of the Americanamerican court system and are a crucial part in bringing justice to those who they hear out. Although the salary is rewarding, it is important to note that pursuing this career is extremely difficult.  Many responsibilities and qualifications come There areis many responsibilities and qualifications that come with just being able to run as a circuit court judge. Even still, getting nominated is taxing as it takes a lot to get people on your side. The hearing process is brutal so it is important to keep a clean record and behave. Although this career is difficult, it is extremely rewarding. If being a circuit court judge sounds like something you would be passionate about then it'sits definitelydefinetely recommended to start getting involved in this process now.

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