Case Manager Interview Example

📌Category: Business, Experience, Life, Management
📌Words: 1244
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 23 February 2022

The case management interview happened by a non-profit organization called Gems Uncovered where they deal with human trafficking personals on the streets  that are being used by many years through sexual, physical, and drug abuse. Myra Miller, the case manager who is employed since 2014 and chose this career by going to a conference. It’s so interesting how in class we discussed much about attending seminars, workshops, and conferences. Finding out that, a conference is what brought her to where she is now is amazing and shows me that I need to go out into the human service industry with experience in attending multiple seminars, workshops, and conferences.

Myra’s decisions that guided her to choosing a career path of case management was by being invited to a conference at Cottonwood Church which involved a guest speaker named Christine Caine, who is a Global Speaker and Co-Founder of A21 Campaign. Miller explained that, Christine’s story about how she was verbally and physically abused as a child. For this reason, as she got older the curiosity of trafficking existing in the 21st century started to arise in her mind. By stories of newborns being sold into pedophile rings and remembers reading witness reports of girls that were placed on platforms and sold in auctions. She decided with her husband Nick to start a non-profit organization that focused on global anti-sex trafficking and help with recovery for victims. On the other hand, finding out that young ladies were suffering on the streets of Long Beach broke Miller’s heart. As she continued listening to her story, the holy spirit brought the desire towards her to be a part of an organization which is in the city of Long Beach.

On the other hand, Gems Uncovered Organization an agency brought by Mary White serves the population of 18–25-year-old in sex trafficking. For there being not enough useful and practical resources for human trafficking victims while on the streets, this organization takes them under their wings. Furthermore, they also bring in and allow ages 8–12-year old’s but not on a continuous basis. On the other hand, she was led by the spirit to just step out on the streets of where the enemy does his work and do what the Lord said for her to do. The skills that this organization requires for social workers/case managers is primarily communication and listening exactly what we have been learning.

When coming into a role of case management in any agency the degree and or skills needed in this job is that there are no certain college degrees needed based on my Interviewee. She believes in a higher power. Her understanding with titles and degrees not always being necessary spoke to me because I myself fell the same way. For if your called by the holy spirit, He will be honored and obeyed. Removing the title and just being a person that desires to complete the mission of God’s purpose is so powerful and this is what Myra the founder, lives her foundation for life. Seeing that organization, time management, and being empathetic are also very important to a sufficient career in an agency environment. Lastly, knowing what resources are for girls and young adult ladies. Not only this but, being flexible to reschedule and available with the client. Also, boundaries are overall the most needed to sustain a relation with your clients away and inside the office.

Case management job duties are about having a safe environment for the client. I remember Mrs. Miller explaining how the environment is crucial to be comfortable and accepting for all that come in lost, broken, and hurting. Having progress reports for the clients meaning documenting the process of the sessions with the clients that cause the clients strengths to shine and recovery growth of their success in the program. As follows just as its priority to have as a social worker, it is also for the case manager to provide vital information like other agencies for instance, if the client has history of drug abuse, they would be given a brochure of different agencies that can assist to that need because, not all of them can supply the exact tools to better their lives. On the other hand, understanding the client’s weaknesses and strengths are important and while doing these things giving opportunities of solutions to overcome them. Furthermore, case managers should identify personalities with each client. When the ladies pass the recovery program at Gems Uncovered, they gather together with their case manager and celebrate with a graduation ceremony but, they continue to have resources and guidance available as alumni’s.

As I continued to ask questions, the number of cases that are involved at the agency varies but, Myra Miller prefers to have no more than eight cases at a time. So that, she may thoroughly be able to do her job and successfully find the right resources for the clients and be able to manage. Now though, there are currently ten cases in which she is under currently and that is what maximum number of cases she can handle. The types of case situations attended at this organization are quite a few for instance, women shelter, domestic violence, walk-in’s, human trafficking, and drug abuse.

Several frequent occurring problems which exist as spoken by the interviewee is, the clients commitment. If they are not willing to stay throughout the course of the recovery treatment program then, the chance of change will cease. But every case manager desire wants them to be empowered and successful in every stage of life. Our hopes are greater for them, the client and having them stay long if you don’t over load them, they might stay.

We as case managers, are supposed to be giving coordinate care which is not one organization that can provide all the resources. Sending them a safe place with other organization and getting them jobs. Education with addressing them for things that, would lead them out and importance is after-care with toiletries.

When it comes to income this organization doesn’t have an entry-level salary for this job. Its only based on volunteering as an intern which, then will qualify you towards receiving a position in the agency. The vital information needed for the professional development of a person wanting to thrive at Gems Uncovered would need to be constantly in training and taking courses in understanding current laws that have been passed or are being in questioned.

Supervision something that we all need no matter what position we take in human services. In regards to supervision, Myra Miller plans with her supervisor a meeting each week. Being a social worker, with Mary White they together would arrange meetings together and go over progress reports of each client. Also, make sure that every person on staff in on the same schedule by attending a meeting every day.

Speaking of a supervisor, Mrs. White she is a very laid back but firm person because its important for her organization. Faith not just a word but, a lifestyle that people base their lives upon everyday if they believe in a God. For this reason, she desires to represent her job with excellence so there are high expectations towards great work. Case managers at this agency would sit with their client’s in changing the quotation in seeing how proud are you of them in where they came from. For instance, one female client had graduated from the program after thirteen weeks and continues the alumni program. Also, we would keep them motivated, don’t let them give up, and being an encourage will continue. Lastly, this job contributes to improving the lives of others by being seed planters. Furthermore, social workers would give them a second chance, open their mind up, and build their confidence. In concluding this paper, the interview session went very smoothly and impacted my life for the better. I learned so much about a case manager that matched the standards from class and the textbook.


Althoff, A. J. (2013, July 1). Christine Caine: Abused but not Defeated. Today's Christian Woman. Retrieved October 30, 2021, from

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