Causes and Effects of Climate Change Essay Sample

📌Category: Climate Change, Environment
📌Words: 698
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 15 June 2022

Climate change has been an ongoing issue for years. The way that the earth’s climate can rapidly change and cause issues such as heavy rainfall and flooding and drastic warmer changes like evaporation. Climate change is also caused by burning coal, oil and gas, cutting down forests, increasing livestock farming and floranted gases. These are the main reasons why many people want to find a permanent solution to this problem.

To start with, what is climate change? Climate change is defined as a significant variation of average weather conditions conditions become warmer, wetter or drier. Climate change includes both global warming driven by human induced emissions of greenhouse gases and the resulting large-scale shifts in weather patterns. When the earth absorbs the sun’s energy or when atmospheric gases prevent heat released by earth from radiating into space (greenhouse effect), the planet warms. Factors both natural and human can influence the earth’s climate system.  

The rapid change in the climate is too fast and doesn’t give much room for anything to adapt to the change therefore causing a huge issue. Climate change doesn’t just involve rising temperatures but it also causes extreme weather events. Since climate change has been a growing issue over the years world leaders gathered in 2015 to try and find a solution to this issue such as, keep fossil fuels in the ground, invest in renewable energy, switch to sustainable transport, improve farming and encourage vegan diets, restore nature to absorb more carbon, protect the oceans etc. If we all play our part, Climate change will slowly become less and less of an issue. 

There are several theories as to how climate change started, one of those theories being that Scientists believe that the later 19th century is the point where humans started to effect climate change. To start with, adding co2 to the air during the industrial era was the first thing that humans did when they started to effect climate change. The burning of fossil fuels caused carbon dioxide levels to rise to 295 parts per million by 1990 in addition to the 15 part per million increase of C02 levels during the 19th century. Then there is the natural side of it, the ocean. Oceans are important because more than 90% of the heat reaching the earth’s surface ends up there. Changes in how much heat the ocean can take is one of the reasons why we see faster and slower temperature changes throughout earth’s history.

Climate change has been a trending topic in society for years. The most common question is what can we all do to stop the spread of climate change. We can put a stop to climate change if we all play our part. As stated by the NRDC, Things that we can do to put a stop to climate change is, save energy by using cleaner energy sources you can reduce greenhouse gases and help combat climate change, you can also heat and cool your home smartly by sealing and insulating your home, switch to green power ex: solar, wind, hydropower and recycle. Speaking up is another good way to stop/slow the spread of climate change, nowadays people use speaking up as a way to really bring attention to an issue. By speaking up about climate change you send the message that you are passionate about this issue and this issue is important and needs to be solved.  Doing these small things will help the environment and help stop climate change. 

Furthermore, Climate change doesn’t just affect our planet it also effects humans and their health. Those who live in the Midwest are an example of people who are heavily affected by climate change. The rise in temperature’s especially night time and winter temperatures, risk human health by reducing air quality and increased allergens. When it comes to the exposure to increased allergens that will highly impact human health. With the temperature’s ranging from 95 degrees and above to 65 degrees and below, that affects people who have existing conditions and the changes can also lead to death. Air quality in the Midwest is already poor and it tends to worsen with the rising temperatures.

In conclusion, Climate change is an ongoing issue that needs to be solved, due to its heavy impact on the earth and to humans and their health. If we all do our part by saving energy, sealing and insulating your home, switch to green power ex: solar, wind, hydropower and recycle, we can help stop the spread of climate change.

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