Compare and Contrast Essay: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism

đź“ŚCategory: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Religion
đź“ŚWords: 877
đź“ŚPages: 4
đź“ŚPublished: 03 April 2022

There are many religions in the world, but there are always the big ones. The religions that I am talking about are, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These 3 religions have the most people in its religion and are the fastest spreading religion. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and are all common and different in its own way. 

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all began and start remarkably close to each other in the middle east in what these 3 religions consider the holy land, Jerusalem, but began in separate times. Judaism is the first ever monotheistic religion dating back about 4000-3000 years ago in Israel. We do not really know about Judaism history or anything because it is such an old and ancient religion. But we did learn a little about the religion through its stories and bibles that talked about this religion. This Jewish bible is known as the Torah are the words of God. The Torah is a blueprint to life on how to live a good and honest life. The main beliefs of Judaism are to believe in the Torah, to believe in God, monotheistic, and Israel, this one is not really a belief, but it is special to how Judaism started and is what it is. The Torah is a “gift” from God but is not supposed to be worshipped because it is a set of rules. The Jewish people would recite the Torah in a place called the Synagogue because this place of worshipping is such a prominent place of worship because it is a place for people to keep faith, and there is no set design. The second temple was also destroyed and that’s when diaspora occurred (meaning to scatter). Believing in God is an important belief, and what they believe about God is that he is the creator of all things, and the way that God communicates to us through prayers, worship, and through revelation. And finally, Israel. Israel refers to the Jewish people to who God gave the Torah, but Jews believe that the Torah is message for all people but have a more important/special role in it, because of the promises the Jewish people made with God. 

Christianity is a religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus. Most of the followers of Christianity called Christians are members of 3 major groups which are the Roman catholic, new protestant and the old protestant. Christianity has over 2 billion followers in its religion but how did the religion start? It all started with Jesus, Jesus preached the gospel, meaning good news and that God was going to come to earth and be among people but in a unique way. Jesus called this unique way the kingdom of God, and before God came, Jesus warned his followers to repent their sins. And for some time, Jesus was instructing people and that gave him a lot of popularity. There were reports of Jesus that he healed the sick and brought dead people to life and then caused an opposition between the Jews and the Roman people. So, the Romans crucified Jesus on a cross and then was buried. But some of his followers claim that they saw Jesus and that he was resurrected. The Romans persecuted Christianity thinking it would make them disappear but instead making the religion stronger. Then one emperor named Constantine converted into a Christian and that’s when Christianity started to spread and make such a turn. In Christianity they believe in only one God(monotheistic), and that God is the creator of everything, you will hear monotheistic in my paragraphs since these 3 religions are all monotheistic. In Christianity, Christians would practice a few things which are to pray, you can pray at home if wanted but is recommended to do it in the Church, and the second is Baptism. Baptism involves being immersed in water as a sign of washing away sin and the start of a new life. And its diversity is when Martin Luther which was a monk that could read the bible protested the pope against the new protestant and the old protestant and that’s when diversity in Christianity happened. 

“Islam,” meaning of peace and the name of its religion stared around 1400+ years ago with over 1 billion followers that are called Muslims in this monotheistic religion makes this religion particularly popular. In the 7th century a person named Muhammed received a revelation from God in a cave in a mountain. The revelation told Muhammed to recite the words of the lord, after reviving his revelation he tried telling others about it, but they did not believe him. The first supporter of Muhammed though was his cousin Ali. One night, Muhammed was woken up by an angel named Gabriel telling him he was going to be killed so Muhammed left to the Yathrib desert then was invited to Medina in Jerusalem where he met Abraham and his followers. People believed that Muhammed was the last prophet of God and then Muhammeds followers began to spread in the 7th century, and by the end of the 7th century the religion has already spread to Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Iran, and India. But after Muhammad died, the religion split into 2 groups or “sects”. Which were the Sunnite and the Shi’ite. The split was over whether anyone should take over as leader of the Muslim community, the Sunnites said no and the Shi’ites said that Muhammad had left his cousin/son-in law, Aly to lead. The Muslims practiced praying, praying should be done 5x a day to remember God and its submission to God, Charity, to help those less fortunate, Fasting, to sacrifice, to cleanse, during Ramadan, and Pilgrimage.

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