Dogs Should Be Allowed in the Workplace Persuasive Essay Example

📌Category: Life, Pets, Work
📌Words: 413
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 15 June 2022

Did you know companies that are pet friendly, like google and amazon, are becoming more popular and recommended? Dogs can make work more satisfying for other employees with whom the dogs come in contact. Dogs should be allowed in the workplace because they improve employees’ attitudes, help relieve stress, motivate employees, and help save employees money. 

In my opinion, dogs can greatly improve an employee’s attitude and help alleviate stress in the workplace. According to the American Animal Hospital Association, Tony McReynolds stated, “A recent study by Nationwide Pet Insurance...More than three times as many employees at pet-friendly workplaces report a positive working relationship with their boss and coworkers… significantly more than those in non-pet-friendly environments.” Employees all around should be able to have the freedom of staying with their pets. This will increase the love between employees and their pets. Non-pet-friendly workplaces do not get as much respect and attention as pet-friendly do.

Secondly, employees in pet-friendly workplaces put more and dedication into the company. According to the AAHA (American Animal Hospital Association), it states, “90% of employees in pet-friendly workplaces feel highly connected to their company’s mission, and are fully engaged with their work.” Dogs can change how and how much a human puts effort into a job. Not only do they help employees, but they also benefit the company. Dogs are helping it by motivating employees to put more effort into their job and that creates a more successful company. 

Last but not least, dogs in the workplace can also save an employee’s money by being there. In the article, “Dogs in the Workplace” the author states, “employees will be able to save money by not having to pay doggie daycare or dog walkers while they are at work. They will be able to load their pups up, bring them to work, and not have to stress getting off in time to go pick up their dog or feel guilty because their dogs have been home in the crate all day.” This benefits employees because they could walk, feed, and play with their dog without having to pay someone to do it. They will not have to leave them alone in a cage and be worried about it. This will most likely motivate the employee to put effort into their task knowing their pet is next to them and in good hands. 

In conclusion, Dogs should be allowed in workplaces because they reduce stress and promote productivity. Some people believe dogs should not be allowed in workplaces because they will distract the employees from getting work done, however, those who are interacting with their pets can focus better without having to worry if their pets are okay.

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