Doodle and His Brother in The Scarlet Ibis Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Literature, The Scarlet Ibis
đź“ŚWords: 579
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 12 February 2022

Relationships can not only affect someone but can also change their views, personality, and mental state.  In the short story “Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst, the narrator talks about his childhood relationship with his brother, Doodle. Doodle has a disability where he cannot do simple activities, such as walking, but over time, Doodle feels accepted for achieving small steps in his life. Though the siblings have a well-built relationship as they get older, tensions rise between their personalities. The narrator and his brother, Doodle, have an evolving relationship from the outside, but the narrator’s pride creates devastation and takes over his brother's fate. 

Doodle’s love for his brother grows as his pride pushes Doodle to accomplish the improbable. The narrator takes Doodle throughout his journey, as they persistently “[cling] to [each other] in every circumstance. Doodle is astonished by the surroundings when his brother drags him along the cotton field to Old Woman Swamp and the peaceful ambiance there, which is one of the first memories they have together. As the narrator sees his love, he takes Doodle to his casket to ruin his fascinating thoughts. He commits these actions regularly to show his authority and to strengthen Doodle mentally. With the help of his brother, Doodle learns to walk as the family is "hugging and kissing" him for his feat. Even though the brother is proud of Doodle, the narrator’s pride and fear of being embarrassed drives him to teach his younger brother how to walk. Each of the siblings’ bonds improves as time goes on without either of them realizing it. 

As the narrator kindles memories with Doodle, the narrator's pride plays a part in each situation as Doodle’s disability creates awkwardness for the older brother. The narrator’s "kindest thing [he] ever [does]" is naming Doodle, showing the older brother’s overall compassion toward his sibling. He ignores the restriction set upon Doodle so that he isn't ashamed of his brother and so that they can enjoy the world around them. Though the siblings love the development program, the narrator makes Doodle keep up with him, as if he is a normal kid. Doodle can not handle all the activities like running and swimming as he "[collapses] on the ground and begins to cry" because of his weak heart. The brother’s true intention isn’t seen until the end of the story, saving only himself in the storm.

Doodle and his brother have a lasting effect on each other, which foreshadows the ending of the story. Through Doodle’s lightheaded mistakes, his affection toward his brother arises as he loves the outdoors, “smiling at [his brother] ashamedly” in all situations.  Doodle feels as though his brother loves and cares for him, which is not the case, as the older brother’s intentions are deeper than what his love shows.  Later in the story, the brother's “streak of cruelty” awakens as he realizes the damage done toward Doodle and himself in the prior years. The narrator’s “pride spoke” to him “louder than all their voices,” but it is too late to correct his mistake as Doodle dies in the storm. As Doodle's confidence ascents, believing he can do anything he sets his mind to, the narrator has a downfall because of his ego.

The siblings' relationship becomes strong, but in the end, the narrator’s pride seizes his brother’s life. Doodle loves the memories he and his brother creates, being children and exploring the world around them. The narrator pushes Doodle to his full potential to bring out the best in him, but to also cover the brother’s distress. Values of love and pride create conflict between each other, where pride generates devastation. In the short term, the brother helps Doodle, but overall, pride takes over and influences the situation.

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