Essay about Education and Good Job

📌Category: Business, Career, Education, Higher Education, Life, Personal finance, Work
📌Words: 716
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 19 June 2021

When one decides to pursue going to a prestigious school, it makes you much more qualified to receive a good job compared to not attending college after high school. Many studies have shown that attending elite schools widely known to the world result in far higher paying jobs, innumerable benefits for yourself and your family, and allows for more career opportunities due to the soft skills learned in universities. 

According to recent studies, universities may substantially increase the value of your college degree when the student spends time acquiring critical soft skills. “And while graduates of Yale have an average starting salary of $68,300 — twice as much as the $32,000 average salary for graduates from Mississippi Valley State University” (Source C). Attending and making it into a prestigious and elite school is an extensive difference in people’s lives since there is much more than a few thousand dollar difference in pay when starting on a job. There is a level of respect and prestige that comes when presenting what college you attended in your resume which various of the world’s most influential people share in common. Countless of the most powerful men and women attended these elite schools and programs. Other analyses show that 40% of the billionaires and CEOs have attended and attained academics from elite and prestigious schools. 

 Numerous students that take up the high-pay jobs at the top of the food chain are attained by those that go to prestigious schools. “Students in top business-focused programs are 16.6 times more likely to have an income within the top 0.1 percent of the distribution than students in equally selective medical programs” (Source A). There is a massive gap between the average college graduates and elite degree programs where they attain high amounts of leadership. Nearly all of the students at elite universities end up with higher leadership positions at companies and jobs. There are far more elite degree programs putting out students with high levels of confidence and leadership which fill most of the high income jobs. Admission to elite programs raises your chances at achieving the 0.1 percent distribution of  high income jobs. 

The benefits of a college education include career opportunities like better paying and higher skilled jobs, but studies have shown that it also leads to overall happiness and stability. This prepares you both intellectually and socially among colleagues and people. Studies have shown that those that graduate from elite college earn significantly more money throughout their lifetime than those with only high school education. According to a national report by the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association “high school graduates earn an average of almost $30,000 per year. Bachelor's graduates earn an average of just over $50,000 a year. And those with a higher level degree (master's, doctorate or professional) average nearly $70,000 per year” (Source F). Most jobs that require a bachelor's, master's, doctoral or professional degree  also normally provide more benefits including health care, retirement investment, travel and other perks. These types of benefits are rarely offered for high-school-level jobs. Since most of these jobs require degrees, this can only be attained by those that attend prestigious schools which end up providing these high levels of benefits for both you and your family. This is mainly due to colleges and universities providing students with a broad range of skills which allow college graduates to expand their career options and opportunities. They may end up doing other fields within their profession that they may have not studied for, but elite colleges can give you the unexpected opportunities for better career circumstances that may not be there for those that did not engage in higher levels of education. Employers do not visibly look for those that only have a high school diploma since a large majority of high school graduates work under the service industry with low paying jobs which may not offer many opportunities to advance in life. Whereas college graduates have the skills which qualify them for a higher and broader range of opportunities and employment in multiple fields which offer more advancement in pay. Another benefit that goes overlooked by several people is the fact that college allows for substantial amounts of networking opportunities. A myriad of people tend to obtain or acquire jobs based on recommendations made by friends or colleagues which can help you learn about upcoming jobs and opportunities before others. 

Going to a prestigious school  makes you much more qualified to receive an exceptional job compared to not attending college after high school resulting in far higher paying jobs, benefits for yourself and family, and career opportunities due to the soft skills learned in universities.

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