Essay about Freedom of Press

đź“ŚCategory: Celebrities, Entertainment
đź“ŚWords: 1088
đź“ŚPages: 4
đź“ŚPublished: 24 June 2021

“Freedom of speech is unnecessary if the people to whom it is granted do not think for themselves -Mokokoma Mokhonoana.” Throughout this unit, I researched about Freedom of the Press. From all the information gathered many facts were brought to the open. These facts can be argumentized depending on the opinions of the information given. In this argumentized paragraph you will be trying to be persuaded that Freedom of the Press comes with positive and Negatives. Mostly depending on your status in life, if your rich or poor. Even though freedom of the press gives you the right to speak there are still limitations. These limitations come with the truth. The governments try to hide these truths to create peace. In this research the press you will be informed about certain topics like censorship that causes the freedom of the press to be silenced .   

Celebrities' lives are both positively and negatively impacted by freedom of press. Celebrities private life is exposed to the open.  “Citizens of the United States [and] European Union are guaranteed constitutionally protected rights to safety, privacy, and freedom of self-expression,” Barnes writes in her introduction to Outrageous Invasions. And yet, she asserts, these rights are frequently violated in the case of American celebrities.” Celebrities lack privacy in society. Their rights are being taken advantage of because of their status in society. These are considered norms to respect others privacy in society but “are frequently violated in the case of American celebrities.” Celebrities lack privacy in society. Their rights are being taken advantage of because of their status in society. Celebrities/ Rich get the advantage of being able to determine if certain things can be on the internet. “Comstock, who despised feminists, requested a copy of the book under a fake name, then reported Woodhull and had her arrested on obscenity charges.” In 1872, feminist Victoria Woodhull accounts an affair of celebrity evangelical minister and one of his parishioners.” Anthony who despised feminists requested a copy of the book in a fake name. She later got arrested for obscenity charges. Celebrities/Rich can get away with big consequences consider their status in life. "Floyd Mayweather Jr. has a checkered past when it comes to abusing women. In 2002, the boxer received a suspended sentence on two counts of domestic violence (via The New York Times). In 2004, he was found guilty of battery, after he hit two women in a nightclub. For those charges, he received two more suspended sentences and was fined."  This shows the incentive people have for being celebrities. The maximum sentence for Mayweather charges was 34 years. For Mayweather, he didn't have to serve the whole sentence. After, just two months he was released. The pros and cons of the impact of freedom of press affect Celebrities' daily lives. 

Countries' amount of The freedom of Press varies depending on the amount of control the government has on its people's lives. Certain countries have more freedom of press considering their economic issues. "Tariffs are high, foreign investment rules are insane, corruption is high, and it takes almost two years to start a business. Government jobs are about the only ones easy to come by, and private property is poorly protected. Suriname ranked 31st in freedom of the press in 2013." The government doesn’t have much control over its people which gives them the advantage to have the big freedom of press. The country's Freedom of the Press is limited by the people and given to the government to spread. "Internet access in North Korea is restricted to a small section of the elite who have received state approval, and to foreigners living in Pyongyang." Also, "While state media remain tightly controlled, the NGO noted that there had been an increase in the flow of news and information into the North thanks both to foreign radio stations and organization which send multimedia content across the border." The internet is only provided to the rich, which is only the government in North Korea. If you're poor, which 99% of the population is will only have limited programs. The things censored down there are dramatically restricted. The Countries censorship can vary on how much freedom of the press they have. "In European history, censorship was not only used as a means of political,  intellectual, and, cultural control within the state but was also used to prevent the cross-border transfer of information and ideas deemed unwelcome. Freedom of the press, on the other hand, opened the gates for transfer of this kind." The government can determine what is justifiable for censorship, this idea can create a variation on how much freedom of the press you have. The government determines how many restrictions of freedom of speech a country has which causes freedom of the press to vary in different countries. 

Certain censorship to Freedom of the press limits insanity going on in different communities. - Freedom of the Press can censor certain sexually graphic violent things being exposed to the world. "During the live broadcast of the Super Bowl halftime show on February 1, 2004, Janet Jackson's right breast was slightly exposed; the FCC responded to an organized campaign by enforcing indecency standards more aggressively than it ever had before. " FCC's scrutiny has been targeted for offensive acts like nudity. Expiated acts like Nudity have been cautioned on television. This illustrates, that limitations to freedom of the press can be great considering it blocks sexual graphic things from being exposed and harmed. 

Freedom of the Press can create peace between the community but also different countries. “Before the thirteen colonies declared independence from Great Britain, the British government attempted to censor the American media by prohibiting newspapers from publishing unfavorable information and opinions.” The British government didn't want to guide chaos from public opinion from America. They did want their people to think the government is manipulating them. Freedom of the Press can become censored when words, images, or ideas are derogatory. “The right to free speech is a long-standing tradition in the United States, but respecting the right to free speech is not. According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), censorship is "the suppression of words, images or ideas that are offensive, and it happens "whenever some people succeed in imposing their personal political or moral values on others." Even though Freedom of the Press helps us voice our opinions there are still restrictions. These restrictions can create peace within public opinions, like political or racial. Limitations to freedom of press help sustain order between groups harmony .   

In conclusion, Freedom of the Press can have benefits to them. These benefits can be determined by your status in life. The rich and poor both have different perspectives of Freedom of the Press. They both can do certain things that others can’t do. These limitations can be great for creating peace between groups but also bad if you are prohibited from getting the justice served. It all factors down to each government what they think is acceptable in their country no matter the people’s opinion.

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