Essay Example about Carbon Tax

📌Category: Environment, Environment problems
📌Words: 864
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 14 October 2022

Each year the Earth has been progressively losing more ice, with the amount rising at an ominous rate. The water is rising, the heat is rising, and it needs to be stopped as soon as possible. Companies that practically control us and how our everyday lives work are free to use whatever resources they fancy to achieve their goals. Something that carbon taxes would fix is that they would require the monopolies around us to use green power to fuel their companies and it would produce equal opportunities for the big companies versus the small companies in terms of resource use. Another situation that carbon taxes would help is it would cause the animals that are perishing from the heat and oil being dumped into the ocean or rivers slowly bring their population size back up, once the companies discontinued using fossil fuels. Although establishing a tax on carbon use for companies may be harmful to them at the start, it will drive them to switch to renewable energy which is cleaner for the air and better for the environment. 

The Earth is going through climate change and we need to do whatever it takes to slow it down. Currently, the planet’s heat is rising at an alarming rate that we’ve never seen before on Earth. One way we can trim down on this heat is by trying to stop enormous corporations from using too many fossil fuels and harming the environment. An easy way to do this is by implementing carbon taxes on companies, which will either make them lose more money than they’re comfortable with or they switch to a more green solution and not lose any more money than they usually would. Another way that carbon tax would affect the world positively is if we said that they couldn’t use fossil fuels to power the transportation of that company. Obviously, if it were people that this was implemented on they wouldn’t be delighted with a rise in gas prices, but if it were only enforced within companies then they would be doomed if they didn’t switch to electric or more green options. Not only does the Federal Reserve blame the lack of a national carbon tax on climate change, but oil companies are also all for it (“American Petroleum Institute Endorses Carbon Pricing as Oil and Gas Industry Faces Pressure on Emissions”). Exxon even donated $1 million to the organization that backs its favored plan.

Big companies regulate our everyday lives and they do so while releasing fossil fuels and other harmful substances into the atmosphere. Not only is this unfair for smaller businesses that can’t afford to use these resources, but the big corporations are also allowed to use an unlimited amount of limited resources to achieve their already met goals. Some things that a carbon tax would fix about this is that it would put the small and big companies on equal playing ground with each other and they’re using the same materials. This would mean that it’s less about how much money the company has and it’s more about the value of the company and its product. Another thing that the carbon tax would fix is it would help the environment and slow down the polar ice caps from melting. Even if the company continued to use these harmful products and just raised the price of their products, people would find other services and the company would still have to change to a better solution. 

The last problem that a carbon tax would fix is the harming of animals caused by global warming and the release of carbon dioxide and other harmful products into the environment. One way that animals are being harmed by this is that the polar ice caps are melting, and analytics show that at the rate everything’s going polar bears could be lost by the year 2100(“Polar Bears Could Be Nearly Gone by 2100, Study Finds.”). If polar bears died this would severely affect the environment because of how powerful the polar bear truly is. The reason why this happens is that polar bears hunt by waiting by the ice for seals to come up for air, and then the bears catch the seals. With the ice melting, the polar bears have less and less space to hunt. Also, the polar bears are having to live with less and less habitat each day because of the amount of ice that melts. This doesn’t just go for the polar bears however, most species are affected by climate change in terms of less food, less successful reproduction, and their environment being interfered with. We need all animals to sustain a promising climate and when some die, others thrive and that makes even more animals die causing an unbalance. If we implemented a carbon tax, the companies that are changing the environment for the worse would have no choice but to change their habits and start using a new, better, source of energy. 

Keeping our world as beautiful as it is today will take hard work, and something that will benefit is a carbon tax. We need to keep the environment thriving, the small companies with immense ideas a chance for the top, and all animals alive and well. Companies are too free to harm the environment more than they should be and a carbon tax would be the most useful task to help jumpstart the environment coming back to life. In order to achieve this goal of the environment staying captivating, we all need to work together and use clean energy to fuel us throughout our lives.

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