Essay Example: Career As A Therapist

📌Category: Business, Career, Psychology
📌Words: 353
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 29 August 2022

The career I have chosen is therapy. It is a career that focuses mostly on people's problems, troubles, or relationship issues. For this career you will need a bachelor's degree in counseling which will require 4 years of college, a master's degree in psychology and after that there will be a special required test you have to take to practice psychology.

In this line of work you will have to have a very good relationship or bond  with your pashintes so there are certain skills that are requirements like communicating skills, problem solving skills, critical thinking skills and more.

In the United States the hourly salary for a therapist is $12,02 to $59,62 dollars it increase annuity on how many hours you work but the least amount of money a therapist can make is about $3,650 if they are just starting out or if they do not prefer to get a doctorate degree, the most a therapist can make i about $10,770 a month. The education you get does make a difference in a therapist's salary because the level of education you get shows how qualified you are to work in this line of work.

This job mostly takes place indoors than outdoors and in this job you have to work about 40 hours per week in any state or country you live in. you can also get benefits when you are in this line of work like opportunities of advancement in this career and more.

One of the bad things that being a therapist can cause is emotional damage  because as a therapist you have to listen to people’s  problems every day and doing that can have a big effect on their emotional state. The changes in advancements in this field is depending on different types of people you work with and the different types of advancement in counseling too in some different types of fields in psychology it will need training to master it.

In conclusion, being a therapist is a hard job to master. It can cause a lot of problems with your health, and it is a very big time consumer but it is a great job that helps people with their problems, troubles and relationship issues so that people don't have to cope with it alone.

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