Essay On Teenage Driving

📌Category: Child development, Driving Age, Law, Psychology, Social Issues
📌Words: 267
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 23 May 2021

6 Million, that is the number of car crashes per year. Of those, approximately 300,000 of them affect teen drivers. Should teenage drivers be allowed to drive? I believe that they should be allowed to.

I believe that people should be allowed to drive as a teenager. Although car crashes are the most common cause of death amongst teens, this may not be a result of age but rather a lack of skill. Some evidence to prove this is what happened in New Jersey. New Jersey, in an attempt to reduce teen fatalities, had created a law that would raise the driving age. Although this did technically lower teen fatalities, it also increased the amount of driving-related deaths in the 18-year-old age group, which was proportional to the number of deaths that had been prevented. This proves that the main reason for teens dying in car crashes is not because they are a teenager but because they are bad at driving.

So when should people be allowed to drive? This is an interesting question, and I believe there shouldn’t be an age limit. The requirements to be able to drive should be solely based on skill. Which for some people may mean they could drive at 12 and for others 30.

At the end of the day, there are only two ways to prevent driving-related deaths and injuries and that is by either having experience driving (an example of which would be driving on closed/private roads.) or by eliminating driving distractions (which include but are not limited to drugs, alcohol, and phones). It is hard to restrict the number of distractions that affect a driver, however, we can and should only allow people to drive based on skill.

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