Essay on Vichy France

📌Category: Europe, War, World, World War II
📌Words: 580
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 11 June 2022

Marshal Philippe Pétain and a majority of the French people viewed Vichy France as a mistake, in his words, "which have cost us so dearly", (Marshal Philippe Radio Address, Document 2).  In Marshal Philippe's speeches and addresses a large sense of nationalism is seen for the pride of France and a hatred of those who believed in the ideals of authoritarianism promoted by Vichy France.  It is also seen that a lot of the French people believe that they would fall in servitude to Hitler due to the negotiations that led to Vichy France.  

At this time Hitler took over a lot of France meaning that the French had to give in to some of his demands one of which was the creation of a totalitarian regime under his control in France leading to the Vichy France period.  Afterwords, the Prime minister Marshal Philippe took over. In a lot of Marshal Philippe's addresses he starts off with saying "Frenchmen!" and continues playing off of the Nationalism that was likely risen during the rather short time of Vichy France.  He is seen to use nationalism to his advantage a lot and promote a romanticized view of war saying, "Frenchmen! Today I am assuming the direction of the Government of France. Sure of the affection of our admirable army, which is fighting with heroism against an enemy superior in numbers and arms, sure that by its magnificent resistance it has fulfilled our obligations towards our allies, sure of the support of the veterans whom I had the honor to command, sure of the confidence of the whole people."  Words in this speech such as the introduction with the use of "Frenchmen!", heroism, magnificent resistance, and honor all fuel that sense of nationalism and romanticism.  Even the former prime minister of Vichy France notes this saying before his trial and execution, "An enormous propaganda campaign was organized throughout the country to aggrandize the Marshal. It was said that he embodied France. He alone could save the country. His picture, his bust were everywhere. There was even a national song, “Marshal, Here We Are.” There was a special decoration, the “Order of the Marshal.” I doubt that such a great propaganda effort on behalf of any other man was ever undertaken in France."  (Document 11)

Document 4 is also a good example of what people thought about the former Prime Minister, Vichy France, and Hitler.  This document is a cartoon drawing of Hitler on the Back of the Prime Minister showing the control that Germany had over France at the time.  This and the propaganda poster from the Vichy government in document 6 show the effect that Germany had in France.  It says, "National Revolution" in big bold letters at the top of the page, has a star of David in the corner of the page, and two houses one representing old France being dilapidated with the words capitalism, communism, democracy, Judaism, booze, lies, internationalism and more at the base while the other is new, even, organized, and contains the words labor, fatherland, order discipline, school, veterans, family very clearly showing the German influence that nearly everyone hated behind every move of Vichy France.  " If their departure opened the door to Communism, the remedy would be worse than the disease. We too wish to have the Germans depart, but only their victory can save France from disaster. That is what the Marshal has explicitly proclaimed, and who dares to call the hero of the First World War a sell-out or a traitor?"(Document 8) Said by a French fascist showing the ambivalence of some people involved in this situation and the further long lasting influence of this 4 year period in France.

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