Essay Sample about Cancel Culture

đź“ŚCategory: Cancel Culture, Social Issues
đź“ŚWords: 594
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 22 April 2022

“The future of our nation—will ultimately end up having to pay the price for America's cancel culture..” (Ullman) Cancel culture is a rapid boycott of anyone after saying something that is considered offensive or disagreeable. Many celebrities have been canceled for many valid reasons, but most go under the bus for doing something that you just might not agree on. I believe that cancel culture should be canceled, because it pressures people to filter themselves out, it’s toxic for our mental health, and creates endless purgatory to the canceller’s statues.

Sometimes we come across a situation where you disagree with a friend, family member, or to whomever it may be, you decide to keep your opinion to yourself and go along with what they are saying, even though you do not agree. Although everyone should be unfiltered and speak freely about anything, it cannot be hateful to someone because many people have different values than you. “Pushed by activists and influencers to embrace cancel culture, have begun focusing on the supposed harm of individual out-of-context words without understanding their broader meaning in a text” (Ullman). This explains why most celebrities get canceled, saying things, and not justifying their belief across. which will get them in trouble. Although a lot of people do not agree with you; that does not give them the right to cancel you for having a different opinion.

When someone is being canceled, thousands of people are attacking them verbally. Using Twitter hashtags with their name attached to the #IsOverParty. This is one of the biggest ways to get the word out that this person is canceled. This hashtag influences a lot of people to post or retweet even if they do not know the situation. Hearing hurtful things from people that don’t know you personally can be mentally draining. Part of that cancel culture is the apology, “quick apology is viewed as insincere, a slow one as being issued under duress,” (Silverton). Good mental health is very important especially if you are being shamed by everyone around you. For instance, celebrities may become overwhelmed with anxiety. Instead of canceling someone you should be educating them on what is right and allowing them to redeem themselves. Everyone deserves a second chance; one mistake does not define them (VOGELS, EMILY A, et al). 

“Some allegations made on social media are unprovable, and reactions may turn into bullying or be too severe in relation to the offenses” (Ullman). The person that is being canceled can lose so many things at once. For example, Johnny Depp, as soon as his ex-wife came out and stated that he was physically abusive to her the claim got to the public very quickly which caused Depp to resign and be removed from big films in the works. "This cancel culture or this instant rush to judgement based on essentially what amounts to polluted air that's exhaled." (Dufresne). All of this happened because we as a society did not take the time of day to listen to both sides and we went right into a conclusion which led us having misinformation about the situation, which caused Johnny Depp’s career to be over.  

Cancel culture is the idea that anyone who offends people in any way should be boycotted whether it is on social media or in person. I believe that cancel culture should be canceled, because it pressures people to filter themselves out, is toxic for our mental health, and creates endless purgatory to the canceller’s statues. “Calling out other people on social media as a form of unjust punishment” (VOGELS, EMILY A, et al). Sometimes it is unjust to lash out at someone for stating something that you might not believe in. There has to be an end to canceling culture, do not throw their mistakes in their face, educate them, and realize that people change.

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