Essay Sample: College Is Not a Necessity for Everyone

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 480
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 16 June 2022

Growing up you would always hear that after going to elementary, middle, and high school that college was the next step. This is because there is a widespread belief that you cannot have a bright future with a good paying career without it. However, there are many ways to ensure you have successful future without going to a traditional four-year college such as trade schools and certifications.

College is not a necessity for everyone to make sure that they have a successful future. For example, in the article “Do You Have to Go to College to Be Successful? The Answer: Yes and No.” the author states that there many industries that do not require a college degree that are high-paying jobs. Not every industry is focused on the fact of if you have a degree or not; your skills and talents may be more important in certain careers such as makeup artists. Furthermore, in the article “Why You Don’t Need a College Degree to Succeed” the author states that getting a college degree does not equal getting a job that pays six-figures. This means that even if you do have a college degree you may not get a job that pays as high as someone else with the same college degree does.

While you may not need a degree for many industries, there can be benefits to going to college and earning a degree. For instance, in the article “Do You Have to Go to College to Be Successful? The Answer: Yes and No.” the author states that going to college can improve your resume. By improving your resume, you have a better chance of being paid a higher income. Also stated in the article “Do You Have to Go to College to Be Successful? The Answer: Yes and No.” is that by going to college you can make life-long connections. Making life-long connections can benefit you greatly in the future because those connections could introduce you to an employer that pays well.

Many people want to go to college however; this does not always mean that they are able to. An example of this is in the article “Why You Don’t Need a College Degree to Succeed” in which the author states that one in five Americanshave debt from student loans. Many people are the main provider of their family and cannot afford to take on this much debt. Moreover, in the article “Why You Don’t Need a College Degree to Succeed” the author states that there are other ways to gain experience without going to college such as apprenticeships. Apprenticeships are a great way to prove to employers that you are capable of doing your job without needing a college degree.

To summarize, while going to a traditional four-year college is the best next step for some people after graduating high school it is not for everyone. Getting certifications, apprenticeships, or going to trade schools are other ways to prove you are capable of doing your job. There are also many industries that you do not need a college degree for such as the makeup industry or construction.

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