Essay Sample on Deep Sea Creatures

📌Category: Animals, Environment, Ocean
📌Words: 552
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 15 June 2022

The deep-sea is a grueling environment for anything to live in, however just because living in the deep-sea is demanding doesn’t mean its impossible. There are many deep-sea creatures that have adapted to the obscure locations were deep-sea creatures inhabit. Deep-sea creatures are, Zombie worms, Giant squids, as well as Yeti crabs. Each creature lives in their own environment, with extraordinary adaptations to survive.

One astonishing deep-sea creature that has adapted to survive in an abnormal environment is the Zombie worm. Discovered by accident Zombie worms are small worms, which live at the bottom of the sea on the skeletons of whales. These worms live from the whale bones, “the worms drill into the bones and extract the stored nutrients” (source 2). Using a special root-like structure to attach to the whale bone, the skin cells on the structure produce acid dissolving the whale bone. Dissolving the whale bone allows for the Zombie worm to extract their nutrients. Another of the Zombie Worm’s unusual adaptation’s that lets them survive in their complicated environment is “the worms depend on internal bacteria to digest the fats and oils extracted from their whale-bone diet.” (Source 2). Zombie Worms are drifting around the bottom of the sea, with a constant source of nutrients that there attached to. Having the internal bacteria allows their body to keep up with what the Zombie Worms are taking in. That is just a few adaptations that Zombie Worms have allowing them to live on whale bones.

From 500 to 1,000 meters below the ocean’s surface on island slops and continental shelves a peculiar deep-sea creature lives the Giant Squid. These Creatures have the largest eyes of any animal on earth, “Two eyes, each with a diameter of about 30 centimeters” (source 1) These enormous eyes allow for the Giant Squid to absorb light and see in the deaths of the dark sea. That’s not the only way that these Giants have adapted to life down in the deep. “Two tentacles, each up to 10 meters long” (source 1). What has been described are feeding tentacles, Full of powerful, toothed suckers the feeding tentacles job is to capture fish as well as other squids, the tentacles bring the pray to the Giant Squids beak to be eaten. There are way more remarkable ways that the Giant Squid has adapted to thrive in their brutal habitat.

In the Southern Pacific near Antarctica, Way below sea level holds a chain of hydrothermal vents. These vents make a drastic change is temperature in the sounding water, cold water pools into the earths crust then the water comes rushing out of the hydrothermal vents. This seems to be an implausible place to live, however Yeti crabs see this as a fantastic home. “They are clearly thriving, with up to 600 “yetis” living on each square meter” (source 4) waving their claws in simultaneously, Yeti Crabs are adapted for their noteworthy environment. How do the crabs eat down there? “Scientists aren’t sure but conjecture that mineral-eating bacteria might grow on the crab’s hairs and the crab might scoop up the bacteria.” (Source 4) This would be a wonderful way for the Yeti Crabs to eat in an environment where plants can not survive. That’s on a few of the remarkable adaptations that the Yeti Crabs need to survive in there mystifying environment.

In conclusion, there are many deep-sea creatures that have adapted to the obscure locations were deep-sea creatures inhabit. These astonishing displays from deep-sea creatures show that with the right adaptation’s life can be found anywhere even the deepest parts of the sea.

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