Essay Sample on Python Programming Language

📌Category: Information Science
📌Words: 323
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 25 August 2022

As of now, there are 8.2 million developers in the world who code using Python. After overcoming Java in its battle for popularity, Python is now the most used programming language around the world. In 1991, Guido van Rossum released the programming language Python. The name “Python” came from the published scripts in a BBC comedy series, called “Monty Python's Flying Circus”. Rossum felt this name resonated with him because he wanted a name that was concise, unique, and mysterious. The reason for developing Python was to emphasize code readability and the expression of concepts in fewer lines of code.

Python differs from other programming languages because of its simplicity. Its simplified syntax and implementation of natural language allows users to learn and use Python with ease. Versatility, portability, and its interactive features are advantages that come with Python. Its slow speed and high memory consumption are flaws that often trouble users.

Industries worldwide are seen using Python. The programming language is most often utilized in data visualization, automation, AI, and data analysis. Companies such as Intel, IBM, NASA, Netflix, and Facebook use the language. Netflix, a well-known American subscription streaming service, uses Python for a majority of its tasks such as security automation and vulnerability identification. These types of implementation ensure their service addresses all of its weaknesses and remains a secured streaming service. Other large companies such as Facebook, a social media network, are written in over 21% of Python and the language accounts for areas that involve production engineering. The gaming industry is another way Python is utilized. Games such as Battlefield 2 use Python for its logic, functionality, and server controls.

How does someone become a Python programmer? Anyone could become a python programmer by having excellent communication, problem solving, and debugging skills. A strong understanding of Python’s frameworks, tools, and the language as a whole is required as well. Companies around the world hire Python programmers and the type of industry doesn’t completely limit where you can get a job. Google, Facebook, Instagram, and Netflix are only a few of the many companies you can get a job from.

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