Essay Sample on The Mongol Empire

đź“ŚCategory: History, The Mongol Empire
đź“ŚWords: 432
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 17 October 2022

Due to the Mongol Empire, over 40 million people died. The Mongol Empire took place from 1206 until the late 13th century. The Mongol Empire began in central Asia, conquering as far as eastern Europe to modern-day Japan. To this day, the Mongols are the largest geographical empire in history. The Mongols were, cruel, brutal, and vicious, destroying anything in their path. Because of their actions, they were given the name “barbarians”. Based on the readings, the Mongols were very barbaric from a political lens, using violence to control and govern their people. Things such as warfare, civilians being killed as well as killing their own men, and enslaving and destroying the property of captured land are discussed. 

The Mongols used a very brutal way of seizing land and killing people. From a political lens, the Mongols were power greedy, so they used barbaric methods to gain control, conquer villages, and torture enemies. In document 3, they talk about tactics they would use to invade towns and their land. "While they are pitched before the fortification, they speak enticing words to the inhabitants making them many promises to induce them to surrender into their hands. If they do surrender to them, they say: “Come out, so that we may count you according to our custom” and when they come out to them they seek out the artificers (artisans) among them and keep these, but the others, with the exception of those they wish to have as slaves, they kill with the axe....” (Plano Carpini 3). From this quote, you can see that their political philosophy is to seek power at all costs. The Mongols are extremely barbaric, slaying people with axes being just one of the many ways they executed people. They didn’t show mercy to anyone and exercised fear as a weapon to get what they wanted. The trickery and violence that the Mongols used would still be considered barbaric today. 

The Mongols didn’t just kill people who weren't a part of the Mongol Empire, they killed their men too. Document 2 talks about how they organize their army and what happens if soldiers decide to run away. The text states: “When they are in battle, if one or two or three or even more out of a group of ten run away, all are put to death; and if a whole group of ten flees, the rest of the group of a hundred are all put to death, if they do not flee too.” (Plano Carpini 2) It’s clear from this quote that the Mongols weren't caring towards their soldiers. Without their dedicated men, they wouldn’t be as nearly strong, scary, or have as much territory. The Mongols leadership is sadistic, using fear to intimidate and harm their people in order to grow their empire.

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