Essay Sample on Universal Health Care

đź“ŚCategory: Health, Health Care
đź“ŚWords: 435
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 06 October 2022

Many different individuals  have different opinions on the subject of universal health care. Individuals are either with the thought of universal health or against it. Is universal health care the most effective way to insure people have access to the health care they need? Or, are there alternative ways?

The U.S. is the only developed country that doesn't guarantee health care to all or any citizens. In numerous countries, governments provide aid to all people, despite how much that person makes. 

The most common debate about having universal health care is that it’d be more cost-effective for the government to aid everyone than it's for employers to give insurance for their workers. If everyone would be cared for by the same system, then the value of providing all of the required health care needs to each person would be spread over a far larger variety of individuals. Still, various people have begun to understand that their health care prices are rising quicker than the cash they make. Thus, it's becoming less and less adorable for employers to give health insurance to their workers.

Various individuals don’t want to leave their job they currently have as a result of them being afraid they will lose their health insurance their employers offer. If they leave, they won’t have insurance to go to the doctors when they are ill. Also, if they have kids who they have to support, they need that job to be able to take care of them. 

Even those that do have health care experience high medical bills and lose financial gain because of their illness. Individuals can go bankrupt because of this. Then, there are those that don’t have health care that ignore going to the doctors because of the financial tool it'll have on them. This leads to people who might have cancer not having the ability to get  an early diagnosis and seeking the proper  medical attention they need.

Universal health care could seem great and beneficial, however there are some downsides to it. For example, it could lead to a decline within the quality of health care that’s available to everyone. Under universal health care, the government might prefer to concentrate primarily on providing medical attention to the foremost common health issues, rather than giving medical attention to people who need more serious testing and treatments. This implies that the people that need the more serious attention won’t receive it and find themselves having financial problems because of it.

In conclusion, Universal health care would help to reduce the financial strain that many families are facing, provide people with the aid they need, and have people begin with the jobs they want. Even though universal health care for the United States  has many  benefits, we also have to keep in mind the cons.

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