Essay Sample on Who Is More Heroic: Hercules or Perseus

📌Category: Greek mythology, Literature
📌Words: 707
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 12 March 2022

In the myths of Hercules, and Perseus both are described as great heroes who are able to combat many dangerous monsters such as the Hydra, and Medusa herself. Both are brave, courageous and important in mythology, but one is more heroic than the other. Hercules proves his bravery through multiple tasks he is set to, which he completes in a long span of time. Perseus on the other hand, is given one task to complete and return with. In the myths of Hercules and Perseus, Hercules is more heroic due to the fact that he doesn't receive help from the Gods, he is practically immortal to any mortal creature due to his strength, and he has multiple characteristics that Greeks want in their heroes.

Hercules is more heroic than Perseus because he does not receive constant help from the gods like Perseus does; in fact, Hercules receives no help at all. While Perseus is going to slay Medusa, he is aided by two gods in order to slay Medusa, while on the other hand, Hercules was being cursed by Hera’s supernatural forces, and was still able to survive, and complete his 12 labors. Persues was brave, and devoted to slaying Medusa, but he was not knowledgeable enough to locate everything he would need to kill Medusa by himself. “But Persues was saved from his folly. Two great gods were watching him” (195) Hermes gives him a sword that could not break and Athena gives him her shield to see Medusa through, protecting him from being petrified by her gaze of stone. Perseus would not have been able to slay Medusa without being able to look at the reflection through Athena's shield, nor would he have been able to actually kill her without a strong sword. On the other hand, Hera was using her supernatural powers with horrible effects, and she ended up killing Hercules. Hercules goes through the several impossible tasks of the 12 labors, not 1 thing to slay, but 12 different tasks without the aid of any one. Some of these labors took Hercules a whole year, as he was receiving no divine aid. Hercules had lost his family and is repenting by doing these labors, and he did not fully mean to murder his family, he was taken over by a force of rage inflicted by divinve beings.

Hercules and Perseus both go on missions, and although Persues also accomplishes his missions, Hercules goes on a larger variety and amount of these feats. Hercules goes through the 12 labors, aiding in conquering the giants, the Quest of the Argo, conquering the Minyans and more. Through all of these missions, Hercules proves his heroism by overcoming all obstacles, making it out alive safely. These feats help show Hercules as a hero, by being accomplished, and successful every time. Through all these times he persevered if feats took him longer to succeed through. That is not to say that Perseus did not succeed in his missions, it is just that Hercules went through more and was also successful. Perseus proves his heroism through slaying Medusa in which he succeeded in, with a result of him coming out alive. Perseus also goes and saves Andromeda from a snake, which he also succeeds in. Perseus “cut [the snake’s] head off just as he had the Gorgons.” (199) Though Perseus and Hercules both succeeded in their mission, Hercules had gone through a larger amount, therefore gaining more heroic experience, as he went on through his missions. Shearly comparing Persueses two listed missions he succeeded in to Herculueses greater than 12 missions, makes Hercules seem like the greatest hero, and because he succeeded, he gains that title. 

Although Persues is a good example of a hero, Hercules possesses some characteristics that are more favorable to most of the Greeks, excluding Athenians, such as his strength, and his self confidence. Hercules is described as having self confidence, strength, and courage, traits that the Greeks admired dearly, and were must haves in strong heroes. He is also described as being “the greatest hero” and he believed he was on equal terms with the gods. Hercules had courage to throw himself at even the gods, whom he wouldn't be able to defeat, but would do anything to get his way, he wouldn't give up. On the other hand, Perseus does not have these qualities. He can be wise, and brave, for even trying to slay Medusa, which are positive traits, but he isn't insanely strong, or possesses equality with the gods. He needs the aid of supernatural forces for protection and strength.

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