Evolution and the Catholic Church Essay Example

📌Category: Christianity, Religion, Science
📌Words: 435
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 13 June 2022

What does the Catholic chruch think about evolution ? Well the chruch says Evolution can be taught In school to explain the physical form of the human body but not the soul as along as the evolutionary theory is taught along side the idles of creationism is fine . The catholicism unlike many religions are open to to the expansion of science, many of science most Fascinating discoveries are made by scientists with Catholic ties.Copernicus (1473–1543) he was a Catholic priest who debunked the theory of geocentrism which states that our solar system is located and is orbiting the exterior of the earth .Copernicus argued and an Irrefutable truth that was later proven correctly by modern invention that matter fact the earth is not the the center of the solar system yet it so like the other plants orbiting around the sun which we call  The heliocentric theory .Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) while he wasn’t occupying the title of an Augustinian Frair he was off like a criminal in the night creating one of the most in death studies today it’s shocking isn’t it. Georges Lemaître (1894–1966) The Belgian priest who proposed the ideal of man existence outside of the tradition creation story the He created the Big Bang Theory and no the 12 season sitcom where Jim Parsons is Portrayed as a sassy hopeless romantic how says Bazinga 27 times over the course of 12 season multiple episodes. Lemaître Big Bang theory says that creation stared a one central point the origin of which can not be traced beacuse the universes constant expansion. What does all this Inquisitive men have in common all their theaches have been accepted by the Catholic chruch as along as they can explain the physical and no the internal . The Big Bang theory as it can be taught as a model for St.Thomas Aquinas theory called the Unmoved mover or the Prime mover ,Thus Theeoy states that God placed the world into creation like a chain reaction where the end is set and has and beginning and the end where the study of the Big Bang theory says the study of the universe was created out of the expansion of and collision of of atoms creating the universe . In this study the universe is the result of God or a higher being setting off a chain reaction as a chemist would use many chemicals to create a concoction which creates an entirely new substance. Now to the topic at hand Evolution the Catholic chruch says evolution is fine an acknowledge the existence of science and study of evolution as stated previously as the study of the explanation and growth of the physical but not the soul whereas the soul is seen as soul a creation of god that doesn’t change nor growth.

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