Free Essay Sample: Effects of Sugar on Children's Health

đź“ŚCategory: Food, Health, Obesity
đź“ŚWords: 624
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 24 September 2022

Many people don’t realize just how much sugar we consume and how that can have an effect on our health. Several sources have decided to speak on the effect of sugar on children’s health to educate them and their parents on the severity of the topic. Children’s health is affected by sugar because it promotes obesity and causes a wide selection of diseases.

One major health issue in children that is caused by a high intake of sugar is obesity. We don’t acknowledge the dramatic increase of children that are becoming obese from sugary foods. The source, Henry Ford Health, informs us, “As with anything, too much sugar during childhood may lead to unhealthy cravings as kids grow older. In excess, sugar can lead to obesity” (Cannon, pg. 7) Children can develop a craving for sugar which leads to obesity as they get older and eat more and more sugar to satisfy their craving. Young children don’t have much self-control when it comes to their sweet tooth so obesity poses a much greater threat to little kids since they don’t realize the health effects that can come from eating too much sugar. This source portrays the seriousness of the health issues that occur from unhealthy amounts of sugar. Along with obesity, children can develop several other health problems at such a young age or as they grow into adults.

The health issues that come with too much sugar are not something people should belittle. Not only can children face obesity but several other serious diseases that can develop from being overweight. We see some examples of these health complications in the source, American Psychological Association, when it states, “Obesity in childhood places children and youth at risk for becoming obese as adults and associated poor health such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some forms of cancer.”(American Psychological Association, pg. 2) Children can experience health issues from diabetes to some forms of cancer. All of this can result from seemingly harmless white crystals. Therefore, we can see that we should watch the amount of sugar we intake because if we lose control, the consequences can impact us and our health. Even though we see such negative consequences resulting from sugar, not all sugars are bad for the human body.

Natural sugars are beneficial as they provide the body with the necessary glucose, however, the body does not need refined sugar which can lead to several health issues. According to Women’s Health Arizona, “Researchers at UCLA found that increased sugar intake slows down the brain. They found that the rats which consumed too much fructose had damaged brain synaptic activity. Increased sugar levels tend to increase resistance to insulin. Insulin is a hormone which is vital for brain functioning through blood sugar control.” (Women’s Health Arizona, pg. 3) Researchers at a university ran a test and discovered that rats that consumed high levels of sugar experienced damage to brain function and they became resistant to insulin, a necessary hormone that controls blood sugar. When the rats were given refined sugar, they experienced negative consequences which go to show that refined sugar can be bad for the human body. However, your body needs natural sugars from things such as fruit to produce glucose and provide the body with energy to function properly and regulate blood sugar. This is one of the several instances where we can see the negative consequences resulting from high levels of sugar.

Children eat unhealthy amounts of sugar which have caused an increase in child obesity and health issues. Research has been conducted on the effects of sugar on children’s health with the help of these three credible sources. Who knew just how dramatic the effects of sugar could be?

Works Cited:

“Kids And Sugar: A Recipe For Disaster?” Henry Ford Health. Henry Ford Health. 28 April 2020. Web. 25 March 2022.

“The impact of food advertising on childhood obesity.” American Psychological Association. American Psychological Association. 2010. Web. 25 March 2022.

“How Sugar Affects A Child’s Brain.” Women’s Health Arizona. Women’s Health Arizona. 21 December 2018. Web. 29 March 2022.

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