Greek Mythology Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Greek mythology, Literature
đź“ŚWords: 538
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 17 June 2022

Every night, after school, while my dad was still at work, my mom and I would lay in bed and watch this show on TV. This show wasn’t like the shows kids watch nowadays. The animations were a little crusty and the quality was terrible, and don’t even get me started on the redundant commercials that would unexpectedly appear every three minutes. It was a good show nevertheless.

Class of the Titans is an old animation that aired in the United States on the Qubo network back in 2009. It’s what launched my deep fascination for Greek mythology. Born in Greece themselves, a group of teenagers who were the descendants of gods fought crime left and right, saving the world from indefinite destruction. It was very eye-catching to a six-year-old. Sometimes I’ll look it up on Youtube and binge a couple of episodes just to feel like a kid again.

While following the old tales in Greek mythology, the show simultaneously illustrated the beautiful scenes and structures in Ancient Greece at that time. From the Garden of the Hesperides to Mount Olympus to deep down in the Underworld. The creators knew just how to draw in their audience. Back then I promised myself if there was any place I would go it would be Athens, Greece.

This past year I wrote a paper on the controversy surrounding the Parthenon and it was through this research that I became fascinated with the Parthenon’s historical meaning. This took me by surprise because I’ve never been one to geek out over anything history-related.

Throughout my time in high school, I’ve become aware that English and History are not my strongest classes. While I dedicate myself to all my academic classes, Math and Science have always come more naturally to me. It’s not that I lack the ability to comprehend the material in English and History, but the interest to stay focused is not consistent. But that’s okay because, in exchange for my friends helping me with studying and revising my papers, I get the satisfaction of helping them understand whatever extraneous material we are learning in Precalculus.

After touring Athens, there’s one more place in Greece that I would have to visit before I leave. Mount Olympus is most known for being home to the gods and goddesses in Greek mythology. Class of the Titans actually had a lot of scenes at Mount Olympus and I remember that I always loved when Zeus would appear with all the thunder and lightning in the sky.

The Mount Olympus I know isn’t real, but I think it would be a very enthralling experience for me to venture to the peak and stand with the gods themselves. It's the highest mountain in Greece and is home to a variety of plants and wildlife. Class of the Titans may have been a fictional, lesser-known series, but it helped expand my child-like imagination into what could become reality.

I believe that traveling provides a person with a change of scenery and perspective. It lets one walk in another’s shoes and see the world from a different point of view. If I ever did get the chance to visit Greece, I know I would want to continue exploring the earth we live on. My desire to visit foreign countries comes from external influences that have shaped me into who I am today.

I think when people better understand the different regions of the world, they become more appreciative of the life that they have.

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