Hippies In The 1960's (Free Essay Sample)

đź“ŚCategory: Culture, History
đź“ŚWords: 627
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 29 September 2022

Psychedelic prints, flared jeans, floral maxi skirts. All of these styles have been popping up more over the past couple of years. The hippies from the 60s have found their way back into the mainstream, But why is that? While boho styles are currently dominating current fashion trends, there's a lot more to it than just what people are wearing. Political tension, a shift in what people prioritize, and eco-consciousness. These are just some of the reasons why people are dressing more down to earth.

To most people with a basic understanding of how trends work, this phenomenon can easily be explained away by one of fashion's most basic principles. The 20-year trend cycle. This cyclical rule states that trends that were once popular in the past will be on the forefront of mainstream culture again. This can blatantly be seen today with the rise of styles from the early 2000s like low-rise jeans and velour tracksuits. 5 years ago these are things that would be considered trashy, but they are now some of the most sought-after styles of the current year. This goes back to the 80s with its bright colors and romantic silhouettes and of course the 60s. But why is that decade, in particular, making such a loud comeback? The 60s were one of the most divisive and influential decades of American history and culture. A period of societal change, the 60s brought with it the civil rights movent, environmental consciousness, and a wave of people with anti-establishment beliefs. All of these ideas were part of the core beliefs of the hippie counterculture movement. And with how the world is rapidly changing world due to the aftermath of the covid-19 pandemic, it's easy to draw parallels between then and now.

With the pandemic locking people into our homes, it's given the people time to think about what they truly value and want out of life. Since the busyness of life slowed down for everyone a lot of individuals realized that they had terrible work-life balance, their labor is worth more than they were being paid, and that theyre jobs were simply isn't fulfilling. Because of this, people are quitting in droves and pursuing what they truly want out of life. This phenomenon is known as the great resignation. And it's no coincidence it's happening alongside the rise of the hippie counterculture movement. Part of the anti-establishment beliefs associated with the movement is valuing leisure and pursuing your passions instead of conforming to the expected lifestyle of working your life away.

Another aspect of our rapidly changing culture that's better associated with the hippie counterculture movement is the shift to a more eco-friendly mindset. More people are finally coming to the conscientious that mass consumerism is taking a toll on the world we live in. Big corporations are cashing in on the latest trends by making them cheaply, and by exploiting the labor of the needy, all to make a quick buck. Only for these trends to be forgotten about quickly for the hottest new thing. Because of this, there's becoming less and less space for landfills to a point that America has started paying third-world countries to take our trash. This is where the beliefs of the hippies and the eco-activists become imperative to the sustainability of our planet. It can't be denied anymore that if we don't make changes soon, it will come at the cost of our livelihood, our home, or even our very existence.

Fashion is shaped by the beliefs, culture, and changes of a period. A lot of the beliefs and new ideas of today go hand and hand with the movement. People are exploring different ways to live their lives that more coincide with what they value and what they find fulfilling. People have been making more of an effort to be conscious of how theyre actions affect the environment. People, in general, have just been living happier lives. While everyone who holds these beliefs may not identify with being a hippie themselves, they certainly paved the way to make this our future.

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