Is Canada A Better Country Now Than It Was Before? Essay Example

📌Category: Canada, World
📌Words: 482
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 29 August 2022

Is Canada a better country now than it was before? Although there have not been many negative changes, I believe that Canada is currently a better country than it was before. Canada was not always the beautiful country it is now. Although we made errors in history, we have learnt from them. We corrected our mistakes bringing a new image to Canada and Canadians. Canada is better than it was previously because we are more hospitable and diversified, we accept individuals for who they are, and finally, we are more open-minded to newcomers to Canada.

We are more hospitable and diversified now in Canada. Women have gained more rights as the years progressed. The right to vote for women came to place in 1916 in the four western provinces, 1917 in Ontario, 1918 in Nova Scotia, 1919 in New Brunswick, 1922 in PEI, and 1940 in Quebec. The 19th amendment in 1920 gave women the freedom to vote. Women were also not allowed to join the army. Since independent women were seen as a danger to ethnic communities, women faced substantial boundaries when getting an abortion. This was until theRoe v. Wade case in 1973. Young women were pushed into parenting and household chores before they even had an opportunity to consider what they intended to do with their futures.

We are open-minded to newcomers in Canada. In the beginning phases of immigration, Canada would welcome a large number of immigrants. Since the 1970s, fewer immigrants have arrived in Canada. Britain has always had the warmest welcome compared to other immigrants. Chinese immigrants who arrived in Canada between 1900 and 1903 received an unpleasant welcome. The Chinese Immigration Act of 1923 restricted Chinese immigrants from entering Canada. Only 15 Chinese immigrants were able to enter Canada between 1923 and 1946. The frequency of Chinese immigration fueled anti-Asian prejudice even further. White prejudice towards the Chinese grew post-WWII, as dire economic conditions were frequently blamed on people of colour.

This brings me to my last point that we accept individuals for who they are. Although in the past, we have deeply mistreated the LGBTQ+ community, Canada is working on building a safe environment for these individuals. Same-sex marriages were prohibited and portrayed as primitive or unnatural sexuality, they were refused benefits, severance pay, and pensions. Same-sex marriage across Canada was legalized due to the Civil Marriage Act. Same-sex marriage was recognized legally by courts in 2003. The Canadian Human Rights Act of 2017 changes the Criminal Laws to enhance protection against discrimination to the public segment differentiated by gender identity. This shows how far we came from the past when this was all illegal and people were dying because of who they identified as.

Due to these arguments, I believe Canada is better than it was previously because we are more hospitable, we accept individuals for who they are, and we are more open-minded to immigrants. Canada is a better country to live in and call home now than it was before. We have shown growth and although we still have areas in which we could improve in, we are continuing to learn and correct our mistakes.

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