Is Globalization Good or Bad Essay Sample

📌Category: Economics
📌Words: 252
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 29 September 2022

Is globalisation a good thing? This is the question that I have been presented with for this assignment and I will answer it. Globalisation is the process by which the world becomes more interconnected as a result of increased trade and cultural exchange. So is it a good thing? At first glance, it would seem perfectly fine but actually, it is not.

Samsung, a well-known brand, is my proof of this. Samsung manufactures a wide range of electronic devices, including phones, refrigerators, televisions, and more. Many individuals work for Samsung and the majority of them work in the factories and are women. However, the conditions these people work in are unacceptable. Workers have experienced episodes of dizziness or even fainting at work and have reported pain in their legs from standing for 70-80 hours a week. It has also been reported that miscarriages are ‘very normal’. The factories are even responsible for health conditions such as leukaemia, lymphomas, brain tumours, multiple sclerosis, infertility, and other health problems are linked to the industries.

Another example is the shoe company Adidas. Workers are paid as little as 34p per hour working in the factories and often are forced to skip meals to save money. This causes fainting from exhaustion or simply being unwell. None of the employees from China, Indonesia, Sri Lanka or the Philippines are paid a living wage. When asked by workers to change this Adidas refuses. As a result, workers work excessive hours worsening the identified issues. Workers experience an appalling lack of respect at work and have reported being verbally abused, having shoes thrown at them or being slapped across the face.

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