Leadership Analysis of Larry Page Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Business, Corporation, Leadership
đź“ŚWords: 1166
đź“ŚPages: 5
đź“ŚPublished: 24 August 2022

Google is a very useful search engine, it makes it easier for us in life to find information, images or videos, it can help us answer every question in the world with smart features. Google can give us suggestions on a certain phrase, it is so common that whenever there is a problem or difficulty, the first thing we think is to google to answer the question. So where was Google invented? Google LLC is a US multinational technology company. Includes state-of-the-art technologies such as search engines, software, computer hardware, communications tools, cloud computing, and top-of-the-line advertising technologies. Google was founded in 1998, with authors Larry Page and Sergey Brin, they succeeded in founding Google at a very young age, when they were just graduate students, bold ideas and outstanding intelligence has made learning very successful. They merged Google into a private company on September 4, 1998. And in August 2015, Google built Alphabet Inc., Inc. Google is Alphabet's leading subsidiary and will continue to grow with Alphabet's Internet interests. Sundar Pichai was appointed CEO of Google, replacing Larry Page as CEO of Alphabet. Larry Page is currently the CEO of Alphabet Inc, the parent company of Google. He has been in this role since July 2015. He has a father who is a professor of computer science, whose mother is one of the first bachelor's in computer science and she is of Jewish descent. Of course he inherited a lot of intelligence and specialized knowledge from his father and mother. Page holds an honorary bachelor of science degree in computer engineering from the University of Michigan and a master's degree from Stanford University. He grew up in a special environment, from a young age exposed to modern machines and obviously he has a passion for it. Since the founding of the company, he and his companion have made bold incubations about the world's technology industry that some at the time said was silly. But now some of his ideas have been implemented. Page's motto is "The fear of failure is not about stopping anyone." By 1999, Google was a strong company. It started with just two employees and grew into hundreds of employees and went from scanty capital to about 25 million dollars at that time. At the beginning, Larry Page did not receive the trust of those around him, but he made them mute because of his success today. His perseverance made him a very young billionaire. He also believes that "just because someone is a high school student does not mean studying is not worthy of respect and cooperation". He led a large corporation with a very deep philosophy: “My job as a leader is to make sure everyone at the company has an equally good chance, and they feel they have an image. Enjoy the meaning and are making a useful contribution to the society ". Larry Page inherited from his parents, he comes from technology and does not seem to have any knowledge of leadership. So where can you lead an entire Alphabet Inc corporation to thrive and be respected by everyone? It is based on constant self-improvement. No leader is born with specialized knowledge and human resource management. He respects all employees, respects every single brain that dedicates to the company and argues that a culture of freedom is a way for employees to communicate directly and to appoint directors, The ideas from the employees are always well received to get the job done in the best way. "Don't delegate authority to anyone, do everything you can to get things done faster." The reality of company operations shows that every job should have a position responsible for their problems, and every person in the company has the right to be creative. This remarkable president has always had many breakthrough ideas to make this world easier, such as capturing every meter of roads to create a "virtual version" of the real world, sweeping everything. print books to create the world's largest digital library, or build tools that can translate from one language to another. He once argued with Steve Job about his career, he has admired Steve Job and also took it to try. "I don't think people should work blindly, ineffectively to keep their jobs. That's not the right answer." A good saying and actions in the process of managing thousands of employees in one of the most influential corporations in the world has made everyone admire. Because people do not work like inanimate things like machines, people need creativity, and what he attracts talents to him is his respect in the way they work. be able to freely create, not to be stereotyped. The technology industry is an industry that is constantly innovating and people must demonstrate that they are also constantly innovating for greater success. Larry Page is also known to be a humble chairman. He once said, "Be humble if you want to be a great leader." Do not stop learning and accumulating knowledge, do not confine yourself to a certain framework, you even talk to the company's data center executives and collect their opinions. Selective way and finding out where opportunities lie, a leader with crazy ideas has applied it to promote the company to grow more and more sustainable. Google is the most famous company with a value of 527 billion dollars, Google cannot be successful without a great leader. It culminated in July 2001, when he suddenly decided to fire all of the project directors for not doing well in his role. He did not believe in the leadership skills of people with no computer expertise; His decision was not well received. As an innovation-minded leader, he didn't overpower his employees too obediently and to save the divide and prevent Google from getting worse, Larry Page withdrew. is the former CEO of Novell Company, Eric Schmidt. In 2011, a severe crisis forced him back in position to speed the company out of bankruptcy. He found that employees were losing direction in growing the company, bureaucracy left the company deeply divided, and brain drain inevitable. Immediately after returning to the leadership position, he embarked on reorganizing the employees in the company, pressuring them to focus. Larry Page is ready to empower close employees to run important departments. This helps Google retain talented people and initially rebuild a high-quality workforce that is loyal to the company. At Google, he cares about how people do things and challenges theories about why things work that way. Page is known to be the one who always asks questions. As a great leader, he knows how to go forward, back and forth makes everyone respectful, when he was young he thought differently, because don't try to imitate anyone, be himself and live with his thoughts. As a leader, he is not too strict with his employees, but he will be ruthless if they do not maintain his interests, he will be very strong and assertive at work. To have the success of today, Larry Page always set goals for the future, he did not agree to stagnate and stereotyped as some companies at that time. He always encourages the creative team to find new methods, test new ones. He has ambition and a company that has an ambitious leader can the company succeed. Evidence is that his current fortune has grown to dozens of US dollars. Looking back at his career-building process, we must say it's amazing. He has spent a lot of enthusiasm and effort expected to build Google as big as it is today.

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