Literary Analysis Essay on Lord of the Flies

đź“ŚCategory: Books, Lord of the Flies, William Golding, Writers
đź“ŚWords: 746
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 12 April 2022

Throughout the book, Lord of the Flies, the boys’ innocence slowly fades away. The boys were (are) put in this scary situation and it was (is) very traumatizing. Trying to learn how to survive without immediate resources (is) very difficult, and they almost created a successful society. But they learn if they want to have a thriving society, they need a leader. From the beginning, when Ralph first took control, it started out fine. Although as his leadership continued, that's when everyone started to lose their innocence. Losing their innocence makes the boys become very violent and not like themselves. In the novel Lord of the Flies, William Golding, uses children not being innocent as one of the main themes to directly impose the effects being stuck on the island had (has) on the boys. The character’s actions show how hard it was (is) for them to be stuck on an island and how they would do anything to survive or gain control. Even if it means murder, causing chaos, or going savage they will do whatever they can.

Overcoming fears and the actions proceeding overcoming fears is a way Golding, proves children aren't innocent. Jack, the leader of the hunters portrayed a very tough and unruly personality that ended up being scared just like all  the other boys. To keep his tough image he decides to go kill a pig. But his fears get in the way and he can't do it. When the pig confronts Jack he is supposed to kill it but instead he exclaims, “Next time there will be no mercy” (Golding 31). By the time Chapter 8 rolls around Jack overcomes his fear of killing the pig so much so that he appears savage. “The spear moved forward inch by inch and the terrified squealing became a high pitch scream. Then Jack found the throat and the hot blood spouted over his hands.”…“‘Look.’ He giggled and flicked them while the boys laughed at his reeking palms” (Golding 135). Killing the pig was (is) his breaking point and that was (is) what put him over the top and made him go savage.In addition to killing the pig, Jack beat Wilfred and tied him to a tree in Chapter 11. After stealing Piggy’s glasses Jack is determined to attack Ralph and become leader.

Murder is a sign of savageness and the loss of innocence. For example, Roger kills Piggy when all Piggy wanted was to get back his glasses and be able to see again. Without a doubt, the boys had a good relationship with each other in the beginning making shelters, hunting for food, making fires together. Everything they did was (is) to help benefit all the boys surviving on the island. The hunters would go out and try to hunt food. They would mostly hunt for pigs, which is another sign that children are not innocent. It's not because they were (are) hunting pigs, they were (are) just trying to survive. It's what killing the pig symbols, it's a symbol of killing their innocence. Jack and the hunters were (are) assigned the job of finding food and killing the pig Jack couldn't do it. His fears were (are) getting in the way of him just killing the pig. By the time Jack finally kills the pig at that point it's not for food but for fun and the satisfaction of getting over his fears. They lose their innocence and Jack overcomes his fear a little too much.

Paint is used in Lord of the Flies to symbolize savageness. The paint acts like a mask hiding their emotions, insecurities, and fears. When the characters put on paint it's a whole new side of them. “Jack planned his new face. He made one cheek and one eye socket white, then he rubbed red over the other half of his face and slashed a black bar of charcoal across from right ear to left jaw” (Golding 63). When they put on paint forget their civility and go crazy. 

Finally, Lord of the Flies demonstrates that when boys are left on an island trying to survive it doesn't always turn out well. They will do whatever they can to survive and or take control such as murder, causing chaos, or going savage. Jack's blood thrust captivated the exact idea of children not being innocent. He murdered the pig not for food, but for fun. Golding made Jack have the personality he does to prove that children are generally not innocent. He made all the key events happen on purpose and it wasn't an accident that it gives off the impression of children not being innocent. The boys were  not going savage in their normal life but as soon as they were put on the island that changed to no adults and no rules.

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