Monologue Written From The Perspective of Lady Macbeth Essay Example

📌Category: Macbeth, Plays, William Shakespeare, Writers
📌Words: 711
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 16 March 2022

I was met on the day of my success, ignorant of the knowledge to act according. This visiting of nature denied, yet I fear it—the burnt desire of the art to block the passage of remorse, direct cruelty. Thy effect did not withdrawal yet became a promise laid into my heart. That tender thought stained my tongue; it took my purpose, that would wrongly win since the cries have fate to be heard. No matter what quantity of time something hath been quoth or done before, it takes only my voice actually to compose a difference. Nature cannot stop me; this is what I do lack.

I talk hither about mine destiny to unsex myself.  My husband, incompetent and unsinewed, while I am firm-set. I hunger for power yet hath no way of satisfying it, and as an issue, I attempt to live my life through Macbeth, since I worry whether or not though hast what it takes to seize the golden round. Macbeth wouldn't strike at the first opportunity; since too full of human kindness-too gentle, his loyalty, his bravery I admire, yet I do not crave.  I would nought to try with these characteristics since it is the thing I want destroyed within myself. Macbeth too pure to act alone on thy deed that would please the evil. He must be shown the way to the throne that is truly his. Yet where doth I begin, where doth the tale of the King's perpetual wink start. I myself could never act to grant mine wish, yet Macbeth hath intent, the drive, the passion; after all, poison was laid by the three evil. Yet, he faces an obstacle that blocks his way-his own soul design; kindness, loyalty, bravery. 

The question remains, Macbeth would never kill out of greed, so how shall I persuade to pursue the murder of King Duncan. Must I assist and encourage the murderous thoughts, must I remind the reward "great thane of Glamis! Worthy Cawdor! Anon to be ranker than both those titles, to be King." Either way, with fate and preternatural aid, doth seem to hast the crown on hold for dear Macbeth. To regard Macbeth wouldn't slay the King, would be betrayal, even if hesitation I would question his manhood, thy bid of loyalty would strip itself from his name. Thy declaration of bravery and kindness would course similarly. To compose error is acceptable, to forswear, to doubt, to take aroint the life of ease I deserve, I would question him, I would never look upon the like. That is why I must fulfil a role, to coordinate a plan which must be set, to take control of the events that would occur. 

A plan made; Duncan shalt wend to catch but wink in the sleep chamber, I rely on that gent to be restful. I will figure out a way to grant the two guards to fall asleep. This shall allow Macbeth to sneak past 'em to kill Duncan with dagger yond belongs to the guards, then the blades be placed back with the owners. The guards will be framed for the murder. But there wilt be more to connect the guards with the deed than just their daggers. Duncan's blood! Macbeth shall smear the blood of Duncan on the sleeping chamberlains to did cast the guilt upon those folk. And to assure the guard's sleep, I shall grant 'em wine to spongy them up which shall marshall the chamberlains to slumber. 

All is falling into place, yet to begin, I wilt allow Macbeth in on the scheme and ensure that gent nothing could go wrong. Then he shall be crowned, and after which I shalt become queen.

Written explanation

I have chosen to write option A, a monologue written from the perspective of Lady Macbeth. The story is an attempt at writing Shakespearean language to seem more suitable with the original Macbeth. The text follows Lady Macbeth, who is introduced by speaking about her wishes to be unsexed. She complains and further explains she wants to be less feminine and colder like a male since Lady Macbeth wants to accompany Macbeth in the murder of the King. The text follows her plan to murder Duncan, further explaining her wish to be colder and more selfish like a man. The purpose of the text was to further detail what Lady Macbeth was going through behind the scenes; there are no other characters in the text, and Macbeth is the only character mentioned. This was done to keep all attention on Lady Macbeth since she was the story's primary focus.

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