Movie Review: Five Feet Apart

đź“ŚCategory: Entertainment, Movies
đź“ŚWords: 669
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 22 June 2021

The main characters are Stella Grant, played by Haley Lu Richardson and Will Newman, played by Cole Sprouse. Stella is an optimistic and organized teenager. Stella is a 17-year-old girl who spends most of her time in a hospital, and few rooms beside her is her best friend Poe (Moises Arias). She uses Social Media to spread awareness about her disease. Stella never breaks rules, she follows them. Will a 17-year old boy who also spends most of his time in the hospital as a Cystic Fibrosis patient. He is a rule-breaker, he never took his medication as he gave up on living when he realized he had B. cepicia (dangerous bacteria.) When they meet there’s an instant flirtation, though there are restrictions as they have to maintain distance. Will never takes his medication and when Stella found out she wanted to change that, so they made a deal. Stella wants Will to take his medication and in return, Will wants to sketch Stella. Starting from that moment they start doing their treatments together. I recommend Five Feet Apart because of the characters, the characters are astonishing! They are boring then out of nowhere they become fun, it has the best plot. You can also learn a lot about Cystic Fibrosis. It also teaches you to live life to the fullest while you still can. The movie genre is a romantic drama film. 

What are the characters like in the movie? In general, Stella never broke any rules but toward the end, Stella starts breaking rules when she realizes life’s too short to even waste one second (Quote said by Rachael Lippincott). Stella didn’t care anymore about rules, she just wanted to have fun and live a normal teenage life. She was sick of always following rules but then Will taught her life’s too short. Will never cared about rules he was a rule breaker. He never cared about anything till he met Stella, Without a doubt, Will really cared about Stella when he started breaking fewer rules. Overall, I believe the characters are very interesting.

To begin with, Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disease. Which affects mostly the lungs but can also affect the respiratory system and digestive system. It causes persistent lung infections because a thick mucus builds up in their lungs, allowing germs to thrive and multiply. Secondly, the airway fills up with thick mucus making it difficult to breathe. The thick mucus is also an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. People with Cystic Fibrosis don’t have much time to live like other people. B. cepica will supply lung infections and people with B, cepicia won’t be eligible for a lung transplant. However, people with Cystic Fibrosis have to stay six feet apart if they don’t, that can lead to cross-infection and that can be life threatening. Without a doubt, Cystic Fibrosis is a very hard disease to live with. Finally, a fun fact is that in the movie on Will’s birthday they used purple balloons and purple is the official colour of Cystic Fibrosis. 

How does Five Feet Apart teach you to live life to the fullest? For example, in one scene Stella said “How long will I live my life afraid of what-ifs?” (Quote written by Rachael Lippencott)  I felt the message in that sentence was. ”Takes risks you never know what moment is your last.” Another example is when Will said “ It’s just life. It’ll be over before you know it.” (Quote written by Rachael Lippencott)  I felt the message was “Live big because life doesn’t have enough chances.” I feel this can teach you to live life to the fullest. In Five Feet Apart they are always reminded that they are dying so then later Stella starts having fun as she realizes she might not have time to do that in her life later on.

Overall this movie is great and I recommend it. The characters are interesting and inspiring it teaches you much about Cystic Fibrosis and teaches you to live life to the fullest while you still can. It also has 2 books so if you enjoy it then you can watch the movie! I think the message can inspire you! I think the movie might be for ages 13 and up because it has some swears and inappropriate scenes. 

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