My Personal Statement Example

đź“ŚCategory: Life, Myself
đź“ŚWords: 272
đź“ŚPages: 1
đź“ŚPublished: 06 October 2022

Four individual pillars of the National Honor Society--  Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character are associated with the individual and peers. However, my concentration on Service and Leadership takes precedence over the others because I want to develop as a leader and continue to engage in service-- ultimately shaping myself into the person I want to be. 

Service provides opportunity to benefit others as well as the environment. Since ninth grade, I've been a member of different service organizations such as Key Club and CSF, which have allowed me to give back to my community and peers. Having experience from CJSF, the idea of tutoring and service wasn’t foreign to me. Tutoring and volunteering drew me closer to my community and helped me to connect with peers. Eventually, I became an event coordinator for Key Club. Being an event coordinator, allowed me to gain a better knowledge of what service entails and how to engage myself and others in it. This is accomplished by building a global community in which everyone can participate.

Service is the foundation of leadership. Being a leader, on the other hand, is challenging. Being a leader requires not just leading others but also leading oneself. My inability to step outside of my comfort zone and take initiative is the source of my lack of leadership. I want to improve my leadership skills and grow as a person by joining more groups and participating in more activities that need me to be a leader for myself.

The value of service and leadership are intertwined because leadership is an act of service that is motivated by a desire to help others and emphasizes the concept of service. Growing both of them as a whole enables me to become the person I am.

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