Narrative Essay Sample: The Importance Of Achievement In Education

📌Category: Education, Experience, Goals, Learning, Life
📌Words: 449
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 21 January 2022

Achievements are important because they give people the push to become even better in what they do. The most important achievements provide perceptible evidence to contemporaries, competitors, professionals, employers, and the wider world that they can use to judge a persons abilities. As one ameliorates in a given area, they boosted the chances of achieving their aspirations. As a student, I have had several achievements that are important in shaping my future ambitions. Scoring good grades in my education is an important achievement that helped me feature in the Honor Roll and one I will leverage to cultivate a rewarding career as an electrical engineer or electrician.

Featuring in the Honor Roll is an achievement that boosted my confidence in my abilities as a student aiming for continuous academic excellence. Undeniably, for students that realize the importance of top-notch academic performance, the Honor Roll is a critical award they can get.

Relatedly, achieving this accomplishment made me proud of myself, considering the effort and strategizing I did in my studies. While undertaking this program, I did my best to outscore my peers and get the highest grades on all my papers. I ensured that I met grade requirements for each class because getting into the honors lists was pegged on the holistic performance evaluation and consideration of the smaller parts that comprise the whole. Being an honors student in advanced mathematics is critical as an aspiring electrical engineering student or becoming a successful electrician.

Principally, the advanced mathematics program is in line with my aspirations to study electrical engineering or electrician up to a doctorate level, become specialized in an electrical field. One of the key future goals is to study electrical engineering or’ become an electrician, which means I must have sufficient and holistic mathematical knowledge and skills. Getting into the Honor Roll as an advanced mathematics student forms a strong foundation for this ambition. Further, I will capitalize on my prowess in mathematics to enroll in graduate programs in related areas of electrical workmanship. As mentioned above, becoming an honors student, especially in a field such as advanced mathematics, requires putting enough effort while leveraging strategic learning plans. Since undergraduate and graduate programs are highly rigorous, I believe that my Honor Roll achievement will provide me with the needed leverage to perform exemplarily. Honing these skills will enable me to become an even better student and professional in any work engagement I will get into in the future.

In conclusion, the journey to feature in the Honor Roll inculcated in me a tenacious studying spirit that I endeavor to use in my future academic and professional engagements. Fundamentally, honors students always dedicate their efforts and time to become excellent in their study programs. Through the gained mathematics knowledge and skills, I aim at enrolling in an electrical engineering program or becoming an established electrician. The program will catapult me further to pursue graduate programs in the same academic domain.

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