Persuasive Essay On Feminism

đź“ŚCategory: Feminism, Social Issues
đź“ŚWords: 415
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 03 July 2022

I learned that feminism is about letting women get the opportunity that they wanted, that they deserve. Letting woman do whatever she wants without judging her, without telling her what to do, without telling her how to be. Feminism is about letting women be. The goal of feminism is to make equality and to ensure that no one’s rights are being violated in terms of gender, race, religion, nationality, beliefs, language, etc. In addition, feminism is all about equal rights and opportunities for all gender. It is respecting the existence of women and their beliefs and experiences. I also learned about the three waves of feminism and they represent the struggle of women for equality that women have no right to vote. Women are considered men’s property and they do not have a political voice. Discrimination can affect someone’s life as it makes the person feel insecure and develop low self-esteem. It makes the person start to question their values, beliefs, and self. In addition, discrimination makes the person's life miserable and their actions questionable. It is not only affecting people’s lives but also the development of one country. It will result low productivity in one country will affect the economy and women experiencing a pay gap. On the other hand, Intersectionality is a correlation of women’s issues due to discrimination not only because of their sex, but also because of their race, nationality, religion, language, and beliefs. It stands for the rights of all gender, especially women, and puts forward the idea that identity and differences cannot be separated. In addition, intersectionality means that women cannot separate out injustices because they experience them intersectionally. Also, it helps people to understand that women experiencing a wage gap are affected and being discriminated due to their race.

In conclusion, I have learned the importance of appreciating the existence of all gender and their beliefs. Having an equal opportunities that will make the world better and peaceful. I also learned that feminism allows people to live freely and empower other people of all gender. Moreover, feminism questions the patriarchy and strives to announce gender roles and it allows men to be whoever they want to be without getting judged. It is not difficult for men to cry anymore and it allows them to express their feelings freely. Similarly, feminism also helps the LGBTQIA+++ members to advocate for their rights and it shows that feminism is a platform where it helps not only women but all the gender existing in the world. However, despite having a platform of feminism, there is still a lot of inequality that is happening today so I encourage everybody to practice intersectional feminism to change the world for the better.

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