Persuasive Essay on Ocean Exploration

đź“ŚCategory: Environment, Ocean, Science
đź“ŚWords: 725
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 22 April 2022

“There are many good reasons to stop spending billions of dollars on manned space missions, to explore space in ways that are less costly and grant higher priority to other science and engineering mega-projects, the oceans in particular.,” Says Amitai Etzioni author of the editorial Mars can wait. Oceans can’t. In other words, we should not spend money on space, but rather, we should spend money on the ocean. There are a couple of reasons for this. One reason is to cure diseases that can be cured from sea animals, another is that space is treacherous, and we should wait to explore after we have further developed our technology. The final reason is that we should not spend money on space because NASA is just trying to please the public by sending expensive crewed space missions. Briefly, space exploration should not be our top priority whereas ocean exploration should. The next paragraph will be about stating the reasons for my argument and giving compelling evidence to it. 

First, we can find many things in the ocean that will benefit humanity, such as cures for diseases. A well-known fact states that we have not discovered ninety percent of the ocean floor, thing of the possibilities. Scientists in Japan have found that a drug called eribulin, present in sea sponges, is successful at combating breast, urinary, and colin cancer. The bewildering eyes of a ray fish can help battle or even cure blindness. The list goes on about the curing factors of many sea creatures, but the oceans also play a significant role in regulating climate. Once we can find a way to fix our climate, then we would not even have to go to Mars. In sum, we can benefit many people by finding fixes to problems by exploring the oceans, not space. 

Secondly, we cannot imagine the dangers that come with exploring space. The short story Dark they Were, and Golden Eyed by American author Ray Bradbury supports this reason. The story is about an earth colony that tried to inhabit mars, but they caught a Martian virus, and all the earthmen became Martians. Think of the possibilities that could happen to us is space. We could carry an unearthly parasite that would end humankind. We might get stuck in space and must eat each other. All these possibilities must second guess the idea that space exploration will help the people of the earth. To conclude, space may be too dangerous for the technologies we have now, and we should postpone further research until we have discovered everything on earth. 

Finally, NASA does not have a good reason to send man to space. They simply do it for the money. Crewed space missions are as like a reality show as a pencil is to a pen, they both achieve the same thing, but they are slightly different. Furthermore, Amitai Etzioni reasons that the main costs of space exploration are that we send crewed space missions. Robots only need a one-way ticket, but humans need two. Elias Carayannis says that “Government agencies-particularly those such as the National Space and Aeronautics Association that are continually pressured to justify their activities-tout the spinoff value of their investments with sometimes extravagant claims.” In other words, NASA and other government agencies are pressured to please the public, making extravagant claims while they are at it. To conclude, NASA is pressured to please the public, thus they send manned missions to Mars and make extravagant claims about their administration. 

Others may argue that space exploration is an impulse that people have, however this argument failed to consider that the oceans are heavily unexplored. 95 percent of the ocean has not been explored, nor discovered. We have a vast unexplored kiddy pool in our backyard! We should certainly investigate these deep waters before we send people to mars. Less well-known studies about ocean exploration are being conducted in Sea Orbiter. Mabey we will even find some rayfish to help combat blindness. In sum, the argument that people have an impulse to explore the ocean is false, because we can explore the ocean right now. 

Mars is not our priority right now. We should keep going with our ocean exploration and cut off some of the money for space exploration. We all know that the ocean is not charted, but we fail to see how space is farther away from the oceans, therefore harder to explore. You can help with the exploration of the sea by donating money to sea exploration programs and donating less to NASA. Tell this to your friends and family, to help spread the word that, oceans need exploring. Concisely, oceans need to be explored and space exploration must wait.

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