Persuasive Essay on Raising The Driving Age

📌Category: Driving Age, Social Issues
📌Words: 525
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 April 2022

Many people agree and disagree with this question. I believe that 16 is too young to drive a car. That is because the young drivers that are licensed in most states are not that mature to handle today's cars and roadway risks. Another major reason is because the actual brain is not fully developed till the age of 25, and the amount of car crashes 16 years olds get in is crazy. Most may think that it is a sense of independence and freedom. It is exhilarating to be a 16-year old and know that they will no longer depend on their parents to drive them to school, party 's, theaters, meeting with friends, and many other places. Unfortunately, being a 16-year old with a drivers license has brought a lot of problems to teens and their families. Also, 16-year olds tend to have other teenagers in the vehicle with them, which can be a very dangerous and deadly situation. Even though some people may believe the driving age shouldn’t be raised, they may not know all of the risks there is to having a 16-year old have a license. The minimum driving age in California should be raised to 17.

Teens are notorious for their mannerisms and social issues; underage fornication, substance abuse, and addictive tendencies otherwise compromise the safety of adolescents all over the nation. One overlooked issue though is underage driving, a practice that has killed thousands of minors as early as their sixteenth birthday. A topic that has caused controversy in the last few decades, the minimum driving age has affected America in multiple respects. 

Some do believe that letting 16-year olds should be allowed to obtain a driver's license but they do not know all of the things a 16-year old needs to be a successful driver, or all of the risks there are which can cause lots of problems. Having a 16-year old have a driver's license can mean that parents no longer have to be driving their kids everywhere, but it is better to drive their kids for an extra year instead of having their child be disabled in a car crash and driving them everywhere for the rest of their lives. Raising the legal driving age may suggest that people do not have any trust in teenagers, simply believing that they are more dangerous than anyone else on the roads. According to the RAC Foundation, 12% of people hurt, involved in a car crash, is due to young drivers aged 17 and 19. This could further influence people to believe that young people are more likely to be the cause of accidents on the road, losing their trust. It can affect them mentally as it may lead them to think they are not capable of being responsible or independent, making them think they are not good enough. As you can see, driving at the age of 16 is not good enough. If anything it should be raised to 17 for a little bit more comfortability. 

In conclusion, We can help lower the accident rates if the driving age is raised to 17 so no more kids can get hurt or killed in an accident on the freeway or by another car crashing into their car. If we raise the driving age it will be safer for the young and old drivers. This is a smarter way in life.

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