Persuasive Essay On To Kill A Mockingbird

📌Category: Books, To Kill a Mockingbird
📌Words: 995
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 21 June 2022

Harper Leeś To Kill A Mockingbird is told from the perspective of a young Scout Finch. The novel is set in the 1930s during the Great Depression in  Maycomb, Alabama, a small town. The protagonist was Scout Finch whom we meet on the first page of the novel. Our antagonist was Bob Ewell, a poor man, who is known for being selfish and cocky. He is introduced in chapter 17 but heard about in chapter 3. In The first part of the book, Scout, Jem, and their friend Dill decide to explore the Radley place and try to figure out the mystery of Boo Radley.      in the second half of the novel, Bob Ewell accused Tom Robinson, a Person of color, of raping and beating his daughter, Mayella Ewell.  The mystery of boo Radley resolved itself when Bob Ewell tried to attack Jem. Boo Radley jumped in and ended up killing Bob Ewell to protect Jem. In the trial, Tom Robinson was falsely accused, and a few days later was shot trying to escape. In Harper, Leeś To Kill A Mocking Bird, Atticus Finch, a good-natured, fair, selfless man, demonstrated the themes of good vs. evil- human dignity, knowledge and education, and courage and bravery.Harper Lee decided to set the novel, To Kill A Mocking Bird, during the Great Depression. The cause of the depression is still debated to this day, but many things contributed to it. First of all, the stock market had a huge impact on the economy which led us down the path of the depression. Stocks were being bought like crazy in the years leading up to 1929; as a result, the company stock ended up being more than the company itself. “ Some pëople started getting skeptical. Prices could not keep going up forever, so they started selling their stocks while they were still at high prices. (An Overview of The Great Depression, McBirney, page 1) ̈́Once the word caught on, everyone was trying to sell their stocks. Due to the stocks being worth more than the companies, they could not repay everyone in full, which caused the stock market crash.̈ Secondly, bank failures occurred causing the banks to run out of money. When the stock market chased the banks lost alt of money, and people tried to pull their savings but the banks did not have enough money to pay everyone back (McBirney). The bank failures spread all across America causing problems for you everyday Americans. Lastly, the dust bowl ́affected the farmers. The drought made it so that farmers could now grow the crops they needed, making it nearly impossible for them to make money. “ Farmers, who usually remained stable during economic uncertainty because they could at least grow their food, were suddenly in just as much trouble as the rest of the country( Mcbirney, An overview of the great depression page 2).In conclusion, the dust bowl, bank failures, and the stock market crash contributed greatly to the cause of the great depression. Atticus Finch was a static character who was fair, brave, and good-natured. First of all, Atticus believed all people should be treated equally.      

Secondly, Atticus showed and taught bravery to his kids. In the novel To Kill a Mocking bird, By Harper Lee, Atticus states "Courage is not a man with a gun in hand. Itś knowing you're licked before you've begun but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do."(Lee chapter 11 end).  This statement shows that Atticus believes in trying even though you already have lost, to stand up for what you believe, and sometimes you might win. Lastly, he was a good-natured man. In harper Leeś's novel, To Kill a Mocking Bird Miss Maudie says, "Atticus finch is the same in his house as he is in the streeẗ" (Lee 61).  This statement is very important because it shows he acts the same around everyone. He is a kind respectable character who does not put on a show while in the presence of others.  In conclusion, Atticus Finch was overall a very respectable, equal-minded, good person.

Courage and bravery, Knowledge and education, and good vs, evil _human dignity, are all themes demonstrated by Atticus Finch  in parts 1 and 2 of the novel To Kill A Mockingbird. Even though Atticus finch was a white man in the 1930ś, he stood up for a person of color against a court of other white men, even when he knew he would lose.  In the novel,  To Kill A Mocking bird, By Harper Lee, Atticus says, "Simply because we were licked a hundred years we started is no reason for us to not try to win ."(chapter 9, page 101).  This shows courage and bravery because even though he understands that the chance of winning is low, he is still going to fight for what he believes is right.  Atticus also shows that he truly cares for this case and understands that it may damage his image when scout asked him why he took the case . “if I didn’t I couldn’t hold my head up in town… I couldn’t even tell you or Jem not to do something again” (Lee 75). Knowledge and education are shown by Atticus teaching his kids through example and his experiences. Atticus teaches scout to have empathy through his experiences and tells her that "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… until you climb in his skin and walk around in it.¨  Lastly, good vs, evil _ human dignity is shown by Atticus acting as Maycomb's leading attorney.  Atticus tolerates everyone even if they don't tolerate him, and an example of this would be when he told Jem ̈́̈  You just hold your head high and be a gentleman. Whatever she says to you, it's your job not to let her make you mad.”( See chapter 11).  He tells him to not let Mrs. Dubose get in his head and to just be kind and tolerate what she says. It's a good example of human dignity because it shows that Atticus recognizes her as another person who deserves respect regardless of how she acts. In summary, Atticus find demonstrated many themes throughout Harper Lee's novel To Kill A Mockingbird.

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