Persuasive Essay Sample: Japanese Education Should Be Free

đź“ŚCategory: Education, Japan, World
đź“ŚWords: 464
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 26 August 2022

In my opinion, Japanese education should be provided by the state for free. That means Japanese governments should think about ideas to make every Japanese person get education for free from elementary school to university.  I have never been educated in a country other than Japan. Therefore, I would like to consider this topic based on overseas education.

First, I will show you the basic principles for education in Japan are defined in the Constitution. It was enacted in 1946, and the fundamental Law of Eeducation of 1947, revised in 2006. It statesays “ All citizens shall have the right to receive equal education corresponding to their abilities, as provided for by  law. The citizens shall be obligated to have all boys and girls under their protection receive protection receive general education as provided for by law. Such compulsory education shall be free”(Article26). However, compulsory education is up to junior high school students, and high schools and universities cannot attend  school without paying a large amount of money. Actually,when I was in high school, I had a friend who did not have a mother, because of the divorce of her parents. She did not have enough money to go to university. Therefore she gave up going to university and decided to work. This should not happen. However, I think there are a lot of people who cannot go to university due to money problems. 

There are several countries in the world where tuition is free. For example Sweden. In Sweden, following a law change in the 1990s, parents and their children can choose among tuition-free schools, whether municipal or private. Thus, it dose not happen that children cannot go to school because of their parents' low incomes. Anyone can get an educationget education equally. In contrast, in Japan, around 80% of Japanese college students attend private universities and pay a lot of money. Of course, there are not only  advantages of free education, but disadvantages. If education is free, the country has to pay for it. In other words, the tuition fee will be added to the consumption tax and will be covered by the entire nation. However, I think there are more advantages than disadvantages. For instance, the burden on parents will disappear. Also, I think that it will be judged by individual power rather than academic ability in job hunting, because students are no longer distinguished between junior high school graduates, high school graduates and college graduates. In conclusion, I think Japanese national power will go up.

Japanese universities are faced with a lot of difficulties now, such as decreasing the populationpopulation, especially at a young age. As a result, it is difficult to collect enough students. Nevertheless, the number of universities is increasing. Therefore, it is more difficult for Japanese society and universities to set the education system for free. However, the Japanese government must do something to comply with the education law, and also avoid the situation that children cannot go to school due to high tuition fees.

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