Psychology Essay Sample: Dark Humor

📌Category: Behavior, Psychology
📌Words: 928
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 20 September 2022

Humor is a natural human tendency to find things to be funny or amusing. Everyone has a different sense of what is funny and what isn't. This brings up the discussion of dark humor which is something that has gained a lot of popularity during the new age of the internet. One of the most asked questions surrounding dark humor has always been to why it can be so entertaining and amusing. To solve this compelling question, it is essential to learn about the driving forces of dark humor. Principles such as physiologic behaviours, coping mechanisms, and personal experiences are all key elements to finding out why this phenomenon of dark humor is so intriguing.

Since the human brain is the most complex and difficult organ in the human body, the study of physiologic behaviours in the brain becomes an extremely difficult task. However, that didn't stop Professor Ilona Papousek and her expert team from performing their study on the brain's process when we laugh at different types of humor. Beforehand Panousek and her team assumed many theories as to why we laugh at dark humor. The most interesting theory revolved around [“Dark humor styles being associated with low interpersonal competence, particularly with poor ability to perceive other people’s emotions”](Panousek 2). After conducting several tests on the brain in times of humor, Panousek and her team came to a concussion on their pre-test hypnosis’. The concussion made by Pansousek after performing the study stated: “that an individual’s typical use of bright (“laughing-with”) and dark (“laughing-at”) humor is linked to the brain’s automatic responses to incoming social-emotional information”(Panousek 3). Unfortunately, this meant that the theories made before by Pansousek and her team did not stand true. The results identified that there was a natural automatic response by the brain that allowed dark humor to become humorous. If the brain processes all humor as the same it would explain the emergence of dark humor consumption in today's society. Knowing this crucial evidence as to why our brian allows dark humor to be funny makes understanding other elements of this puzzle more straightforward.

Elements such as coping mechanisms are major components of the use of dark humor. Everyone uses some form of a coping mechanism to overcome challenges and tough times in their lives. Surprisingly dark humor can be that coping mechanism some people may seek. Many studies and reports on humor have indicated “it as an incredibly powerful tool that facilitates social bonds and increases psychological well-being”(Borgella 2). Although it may sound crazy to make fun of or humorize a difficult situation, for some it is really a method of coping. Alex M. Borgella, Professor of Psychology, sums up this dilemma as  “Though it seems even more counterintuitive, dark humor might be an equally viable method of anxiety reduction in dire situations that seem completely hopeless or out of a person’s control”(Borgella 2). One thing is key in the use of dark humor and that is the situation in which it is utilized. Professor Willibald Ruch of Pshcochogy identifies this in an example of a birthday party. He states “if the situation you were dealing with was receiving more gifts than expected on your birthday, you likely wouldn’t resort to dark humor, because the situation itself is pleasant”(Ruch 4). In essence dark humor being used as a coping mechanism only works if the given situation is viable for the use of dark humor. Nevertheless, the use of dark humor as a coping mechanism is becoming more and more prevalent as the world dissolves into more chaos day by day.

Unquestionably every person lives a very different life from one another and those differences can heavily shape something even as simple as one's humor. Take for example a person who is exposed to violence and dark elements in their lives on a daily; It would not be a stretch to assume that person would have a sense of humor related to their lives. Normalization to traumatic and serious events is common in people who encounter such events frequently. Subsequently, that normalization allows for people to develop dark humor they wouldn't have otherwise. Dark humor in specific is seen to be more prolific as a coping mechanism during traumatic events as discussed previously. It was no different when a global pandemic hit the world in late 2019. A study led by Luca Bischetti analyzed the reactions made by people on social media, specifically during the major Italian coronavirus outbreak. During the study, it was concluded that “[Covid-19 dark humor was inspired by the certainly grievous aspects of the pandemic]”(Bischetti 3). Interestingly enough the study also noticed mild forms of dark humor which were agreed to be “[cases of contexts playing on changes in personal and fitness habits and on ways to overcome the boredom during the lockdown]”(Bischetti 4). As a result, this conclusion contributed to the idea that life-changing experiences can heavily influence something as insignificant as one's humor. This again explains the growth of dark humor as almost the entire world went through the same experience of a pandemic.

Ultimately humor is an ever-evolving human tendency. Humans thrive on emotion and it is that emotion that dictates our humor. I personally have experienced dark humor to be very amusing. My own personal humor ignores societal standards of what is and isn't funny; which would back up the idea of our brains having an automatic response to any type of humor. In addition, in a lot of situations, I did see myself utilizing dark humor in various traumatic or big events ongoing in the world. During the pandemic I found myself to be heavily invested in memes mocking and criticizing the situation. I now realize this was a coping mechanism I utilized to cure my boredom or any other fears about the pandemic. Altogether understanding these instrumental foundations of dark humor paint a picture of how and why dark humor has become what it is today. These principles of dark humor all relate to one another, thus creating a never-ending need for dark humor.

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