Reproductive Cloning Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Genetics, Science
đź“ŚWords: 995
đź“ŚPages: 4
đź“ŚPublished: 20 August 2022

Cloning is a term that describes a wide variety of processes that can be used to produce genetically identical copies of a biological being. This technique has allowed scientists to replicate genes, cells, tissues, and even whole animals. 

Cloning is common as it happens in nature. Examples of tiny living things that can create exact copies of themselves to reproduce are bacteria and yeast. Larger living things can achieve cloning as well. The multiple cells within varieties of plants and animals minus the reproductive cells are clones of older cells.

Reproductive cloning is defined as the accurate label for the production of genetically identical individuals. Almost if not always, a newly replicated being is an exact clone of the original. Despite a simple definition, reproductive cloning is not considered easy. Most of the time, cloned embryos fail to develop. 

How is reproductive cloning achieved?

Two known methods are used to make living beings clone: Cloning using somatic cell nuclear transfer and cloning by embryo splitting. Both methods require the implantation of an embryo in a uterus and then a normal period of gestation and birth. 

The first procedure to discuss is SCNT or cloning using somatic cell nuclear transfer. This method begins with the removal of the chromosomes from an egg to make an enucleated egg. The chromosomes are then replaced with anucleus was taken from a somatic cell of a certain individual or embryo to be cloned. This cell could be obtained from cells grown in culture, from frozen tissue, or directly from the individual. After the egg is to be stimulated and usually it starts to divide. If that occurs, a series of cell divisions lead to the formation of a blastocyst. The blastocyst is then transferred to the uterus of an animal and if successful, the implantation of the blastocyst can result in the birth of an animal that will be an exact clone of the being that was the donor of the nucleus. 

The second procedure is known as cloning by embryo splitting. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is what starts this procedure. It’s the union outside the woman’s body of a sperm and an egg to create a zygote. After, the zygote then splits into two and then four identical cells. During this period, the cells can separate and develop into separate but identical blastocysts which could then be settled into a uterus.

Do clones behave the same as their replica?

Despite the fact clones are genetically identical to one another, it is unlikely that they will be identical in physical or behavioral characteristics. The reason for this is that DNA is not the only determinant of these features. A pair of clones will pick up these characteristics from the environment and society they surround. 

What’s the purpose of reproductive cloning? 

There are many benefits of reproductive cloning. In terms of human reproductive cloning, the reasons might vary. For example:

Infertile couples who wish to have a child that is genetically identical to one of them.

Other individuals who wish to have a child that is genetically identical to them.

Parents who have lost a child and wish to have another, genetically identical child.

Animals that are cloned are used in scientific experiments. For example, mice are cloned as part of research aimed at increasing our understanding of fundamental biological mechanisms.

The future advances in cloning

Cloning nowadays is quite useful but think about the benefits cloning can provide for the future.

Some possible innovations might include:

The ability to clone endangered animals

The ability to bring back extinct animals

The ability to clone your pet

The pros and cons of reproductive cloning

Reproductive cloning isn’t exactly safe and it doesn’t reach a concerning level of danger either. Here are some pros and cons of this topic:


Reproductive cloning helps people achieve their dreams of having children. Infertile parents can now have a chance of being able to have kids of their own. Those who wish to have twins will also be able to make that wish come true.

Reproductive cloning can help cure life-threatening diseases. When a child is cloned to produce matching tissues that can be used to treat a particular health condition, then human cloning would be the next best thing to the discovery of technologies that has forever changed human life.

Reproductive cloning allows for organ replacement. Proponents believe that human cloning would lessen the number of people waiting for an organ replacement.

Reproductive cloning could aid in genetic research. Using cloning technology, researchers could better understand the composition of every person’s genes. As a result, genetic diseases could be eliminated.


Reproductive cloning could increase the aging process.Cloning takes its base information from adult cells that could have been imprinted with specific timelines. This makes the possibility of enhancing the aging process more real.

Reproductive cloning can put people’s lives in danger. 95% of cloning has failed. This caused the form of miscarriages, stillbirths, and other life-threatening events. Besides, many experts believe that no clone is fully healthy. This is because the technology cannot be developed without putting humans and the safety of the clones in grave danger.

Reproductive cloning could create tension amongst people. Cloned human beings may not be considered humans by other people. This could create division and unrest. Many fear that this could only result in further problems among the population.

There are multiple reasons for individuals to choose to support reproductive cloning and there are reasons for them to stand against it.

Myths about cloning

Cloning is a well-known topic meaning rumours come along its name way often than you would think.

Here are some myths most people believe about cloning:

Myth: Cloning is a new technology

Cloning is in fact not a new technology. We’ve been cloning things such as fruits for decades now except we refer to it as “vegetive propagation.” 30 years is about how long it takes to breed a banana from a seed. In order to speed up this process, most bananas, potatoes, grapes, etc are created by clones.

Myth: Clones are always identical in looks

This isn’t exactly the case most of the time. Many clones have subtle differences from their replica.

Facts about reproductive cloning:

The first sheep to be cloned was a sheep named Dolly in 1996 by the Roslin Institute.

The first calf to be cloned was Gene in 1997 by the American Breeders Service facilities in Deforest, Wisconsin.

Cloning is a very difficult process. Dolly, the first sheep to be cloned, was only one of 277 embryos to survive the cloning process (gene cloning). As of 2018, around 70 countries have banned human cloning.

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