Research Essay on Globalization

đź“ŚCategory: Economics
đź“ŚWords: 382
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 08 October 2022

Naysayers might make the argument that the ascendancy of globalization  over the population is eroding our identities away, hence, necessitating the preservation of our traditional beliefs and practices.

However, this group of people have an antiquated way of thinking as their argument of globalization crumbling our identities due to the idea of homogenisation is far from the truth. Instead, globalization  isn’t just simply homogenisation but the very thing that enhances our identities. Firstly, people are not mere objects of influence, but subjects who have the autonomy to accept, reject or even integrate. Augmented by the development of science and technology, people are closer together than before. This sense of ‘togetherness’ brought with globalization  is not at all in conflict with diversity. In the new era of globalization , people are becoming much more concerned about the uniqueness and particularity of their own identity. Although people of this era are prone to losing the traditional sense of their identity, it is inconsequential and might even be beneficial. According to Abigail Ruhnman who majors in sociology, the reason for this is that as adolescents, we were being indoctrinated and engendered into blindly following traditional beliefs and practices that past societies think are right.

More often than not, these values and practices inculcated in us don’t always necessarily guide us in the right direction in contemporary society. This is believed by Shirley Jackson, a famous American writer. However, we as an evolutionary species, first introduced by the creator of the evolution theory, Charles Darwin, are capable of constantly developing ourselves. By being exposed to an array of characteristics and beliefs of others, we are able to learn, adapt and manifest an even greater identity, one that holds sophistication and currency but not disorientation. This, in turn, will better fit us into the existing generations and spring humanity towards making even more superior global advancements as well as creating a world marked by unity in pluralism. Thus, whilst people say that identities are lost to homogenisation and there is a need to preserve traditional beliefs and practices to keep oneself rooted to their given identity, these ideas are merely based on misconceptions and are mostly stemmed from the lack of perspicacity toward the topic of globalization  and how it enhances our identities.

Moreover, as I have stated above, there is already evidence of a declining trend of people holding on to the beliefs and practices, further supporting my stance of not needing to preserve traditional beliefs and practices.

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