Research Paper about Life Expectancy in Different Countries

📌Category: Aging, Health, World
📌Words: 1132
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 28 January 2022


This thematic map shows the distribution of life expectancy per country around the world.


The data being represented is from 2018.


One of the regions with the highest life expectancy includes North America, specifically,  Canada.

Australia has one of the highest life expectancies.

Europe is the final region with the highest life expectancy, specifically, Italy and Spain.

Africa has the widest distribution and lowest life expectancy, specifically in West Africa. 

Asia’s life expectancy distribution mainly stays in the mid-range with Syria being one of the few countries in the lower range, China being one of the few countries in the higher range, and Indonesia staying in the mid-range along with many other Asian countries. 


Many factors can impact life expectancy. Canada’s numbers stay high due to the main factors of safety, healthcare, and air quality. Canada ranks fourth in the safest countries in the world [US News, 2021]. This promotes the feeling of comfort and home which calms nerves and increases feelings of peace. Furthermore, this results in fewer accidents as Canada has higher safety measures. Regarding healthcare, Canada is known to have universal healthcare which increases affordability and accessibility [International Insurance, 2018]. Due to the increased approachability, quality, and sustainability [Government of Canada, 2018] in Canada’s healthcare system, citizens are keener to seek help, curing more diseases and decreasing the mortality rate due to untreated illnesses which leads to the country’s higher life expectancy. Lastly, regarding air quality, mortality rates due to toxins in air pollution are quite high worldwide [NCBI, 2013]. Air pollution can cause heart conditions, lung cancer, and other respiratory illnesses [National Geographic, 2021] which decreases life expectancy due to weaker organs or immediate death. Over the years, Canada’s air quality has continued to improve and is now rated amongst the cleanest in the world by focusing on wildfires, carbon monoxide, and indoor air quality [Government of Canada, 2021]. 

Following Canada in North America, it can be observed that Australia has one of the highest life expectancies, as well. After further research, it is due to the high economy and level of education. To begin, Australia is one of the few countries part of the high-income group [The World Bank, 2020]. The higher income allows higher living standards which lead to an overall increase in life expectancy. These higher living standards include a good education. While other countries around the world may be unable to afford an education or must resort to working in place of further education, 81% of all adults in Australia have completed their upper secondary education [OECD Better Life Index, 2017]. The greater amount of education results in more job opportunities along with a better economy - both positive factors towards a greater life expectancy. 

The final region with the highest life expectancy distribution in Europe. To begin, similarly to Australia, Europe is one of the areas with a higher income [The World Bank, 2020]. The improved European economy has led to increased trade, improved costs, and greater investments in education [Economics Help, 2016]. Furthermore, Europe is highly ranked on the Human Development Index which shows the increased development of education, income, and living standards - all leading to a greater life expectancy [Economics Help, 2011]. The other main factor contributing to Europe’s high life expectancy is their diet. Those in Italy and Spain commonly follow the Mediterranean diet. These countries also have the greatest life expectancy in all of Europe [World Economic Forum, 2020]. The diet mainly focuses on preventing heart diseases and strokes as those are the 2 leading causes of death [World Health Organization, 2020]. The diet causes an overall decrease in mortality rates along with healthier bodies, causing a greater life span. The Mediterranean diet mainly consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seafood, whole grains, and olive oil. Those following this diet avoid red meats, highly processed foods, as well as foods with added sugars [Healthline, 2021].

Africa has the widest distribution of life expectancy and it is visible on the map that the West African countries have the lowest life expectancy. This is impacted by many factors such as poverty rates, socioeconomic status, and the healthcare system. Poverty rates in Africa have only continued to increase, and doubling, through the years causing an insufficient amount of money to purchase foods or afford healthcare. This results in an increased mortality rate as children under the age of five have reached a level of hunger and starvation resulting in death [World Vision, 2021]. Based on the research, it is clear to see that the life expectancy of Africa is incredibly dependent on the poverty rates. Algeria and Morocco are 2 of the few countries in Africa with a life expectancy of 75+ as seen on the map. Following, they are the only 2 African countries with a poverty rate below 10%. On the other hand, Sierra Leone, the Central African Republic, and Chad have the lowest life expectancy worldwide. Proving this point, all of these countries have poverty rates in the 40%-65% range [World Population Review, 2021]. Overall, this shows the strong correlation between poverty rates and life expectancy. Moreover, the negative impacts high poverty rates have on a country’s life expectancy. The struggle to reduce poverty in Africa is due to their socioeconomic status which is being negatively impacted by the high population, gender inequality, and poor initial conditions [World Bank Group, 2019]. The final main factor contributing to Africa’s low life expectancy is the healthcare system. There is a great lack of financial protection on the healthcare services causing unavailability of services [World Health Organization, 2017]. This has caused several people to not be able to afford or receive the healthcare aids that they need, leading to increased illnesses, diseases, and death. 

Asia is the only continent with the majority of the countries staying in the mid-range and only having a few outliers such as Syria and China. To begin, most Asian countries that are in the mid-range for life expectancy stay in the mid-range when it comes to crime rates, as well. Examples of these include Russia, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia [World Population Review, 2021]. High crime rates promote violence and lead to many injuries and increased deaths. Following this pattern, China stays in the lower third of the crime rate index while Syria leans towards the high-mid range. Another factor keeping Asia’s life expectancy higher than their neighbouring continent, Africa, is their focus on diet. Similar to the Mediterranean diet, the Asian diet mainly consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and vegetable oils [Jackson Siegelbaum Gastroenterology, 2018]. Additionally, the Asian diet encourages eating less red meats which, as previously mentioned, lowers the risk of heart diseases and strokes. The aforesaid outliers are Syria and China. Starting, Syria’s life expectancy is in the lower range due to high poverty and high population growth. Extreme poverty rates have doubled in Syria [World Vision, 2021] and the quickening population growth causes unemployment due to more people than jobs available, creates many food shortages as there aren’t enough resources, as well as causing pollution because of the increase in people which negatively affects Syria’s environment and increases heart and respiratory conditions [National Geographic, 2021]. Lastly, China’s life expectancy continues to develop as there is a great focus on infant and maternal health which has resulted in the reduction of child mortality by two-thirds [China Power, 2020]. This positive factor has boosted China’s life expectancy as citizens’ health is prioritized from birth.

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