Scrooge's Change in A Christmas Carol Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: A Christmas Carol, Books, Dickens, Writers
đź“ŚWords: 594
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 17 June 2022

Charles Dickens made the Novella A Christmas Carol about Ebenezer Scrooge. Scrooge was a lonely cold hearted man that roamed the streets of London, England in 1843. “They had better do it, and decrease the surplus population,” said Ebenezer Scrooge about impoverished people. How does Scrooge that had the nickname “old scratch” transform into a person that was “as the good old city knew?”

In Stave three of the Novella, Ebenezer Scrooge realized that he needed to be kind and go to his nephew's party. Fred, who is Scrooge's nephew, came over to see Ebenezer to ask if he wanted to come to a Christmas party in the beginning of stave one. “A merry Christmas, uncle! God save you,” said Fred. “Bah! Humbug,” said Scrooge to his nephew. “Don't be angry, uncle. Come! Dine with us tomorrow,” said Fred. The ghost of Christmas past brought Scrooge to his old boarding school where all the students were leaving for the holidays. Fred's mother, Fan, came to see Scrooge and bring him home. But Scrooge denied and stayed alone at the school. After seeing that memory, Scrooge knew he needed to be kinder to his nephew Fred.  During stave 3, the Ghost of Christmas present brings Scrooge to Freds house to see Fred having so much fun at the party and saying how he wished he came to the party. At the end of stave three, Scrooge ends up going to Fred's party. As a result of going to the party, Scrooge shows appreciation to his nephew and people start to like the new kind Scrooge.

Scrooge always had a bad interpretation of poor people. He has said that poor people are “lazy and “miserable” people.  In stave one, Scrooge never wanted to donate to charity or give money to anyone. It was only himself. All the rich portly men donated to charity, but not Scrooge. The Ghost of Christmas present brought him around town in London to see all the poor people going to the bakery to bake the food they have. The ghost can sprinkle Christmas cheer “to a poor one most.”  “Why to a poor one most,” asked Scrooge. “Because they need it most,” said the ghost. Scrooge sees that poor people are thankful for what they have. There was a line of poor people at the bakery in town waiting to cook their food in the oven.   “Allow me to ask for your pardon. And will you have the goodness,” said Scrooge. Eventually, Scrooge at the end of stave four, he donates money to the gentlemen and apologizes.

As you know, Scrooge dislikes poor people and thinks they are lazy with miserable lives. But Scrooge finds out that's not the case.  In the beginning of stave one, Scrooge used to pay his coworker 15 shillings a week. He didn't care about Bob or his family. In stave three, The ghost of christmas present brings Scrooge to the Cratchit's house to find the family making a Christmas dinner. Tiny Tim, a sibling of the family, has a disease called pott's disease. The Cratchit family is really poor and can't get the medicine that is needed to save Tiny Tim's life. In stave 4, the Ghost of Christmas Future brings Scrooge to the cratchit's house again to see Tim dead on his bed. Scrooge knew he needed to do something about this.  At the end of stave four, Scrooge goes over to the Cratchit's house and gives the family a baked turkey and gives Bob Cratchit a raise so he can get enough money to get the medicine for time. 

In conclusion, Scrooge did change and became a better person. From a person who was called “old scratch” transformed into “as the good old city knew.” The three ghosts really did help save Scrooge's life.

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