Self-Driving Cars Free Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Science, Technology
đź“ŚWords: 312
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 25 September 2022

By 2040 75% of all cars on the road will be self-driving. Self-driving cars have been a topic for years and manufacturers are trying to build them just as long. Self-driving cars are cars that can drive without input or assistance from a human. Self-driving cars are a new technology that has several uses but also come with problems and concerns. 

Self-driving cars are a new technology with many important uses. Self-driving cars can reduce vehicle-related injuries, reduce traffic, save time, and prevent human error and distraction from being dangerous. Self-driving cars can react faster than a human in a state of emergency because they have advanced technology faster than a human brain. In many years self-driving cars could be aware of all cars and drive in unison with each other. This could prevent stop lights from being a thing. Also, according to The Frickey Law ¨While, a self-driving car may not be perfect, it promises to be less flawed than a human driver. Humans are prone to error or distraction, so when you use computers for driving they can't cause accidents as we can. Finally, self-driving has many advantages over humans when it comes to safety on the road.

Although the self-driving car has a lot of advantages, there are also problems that come along with the technology. Self-driving cars can destroy many jobs, be vulnerable to hacking, and are dangerous during bad weather. Self-driving cars could be potentially hacked due to the fact that it is all run by computers. According to The Frickey Law ¨The automobile industry could suffer. 

Driverless cars may mean that car manufacturers make less models and fewer cars, resulting in fewer jobs and less choice for the consumer.¨ We are already suffering with job loss and self-driving cars won't help this problem. Lastly, self-driving cars have many problems from job loss, to vulnerability to hackers. 

In conclusion, self-driving cars have many advantages like increased road safety and decreased traffic, but they also have disadvantages like job loss or being vulnerable to hackers.

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