The Bat Safety Awareness That Might Actually Save Lives

📌Category: Science, Zoology
📌Words: 843
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 24 June 2021

People should be more cautious around bats because it helps keep bats healthy, it helps keep the bat’s safety, and helps keep the population of bats up and if we don’t we might never see bats again.

Bats that have interaction with plants and humans are more likely to die and by a lot.  

According to USGS, it states white-nose disease (wnd) is a disease that comes from fungus’s and sometimes humans if a human has the flu and a bat gets it which could happen they are more common to get end and then there is a high percent to die from the disease. 

This shows that we could harm bats but they could harm us this also shows that the interaction with bats and plants could give it disease this also kinda answers that humans are sometimes harmful to bats and vice versa.  

If we are healthy there is a really low chance that bats will get sick from you but if you are sick the bat could get sick too. Is it common for a bat to get sick? Well no, according to USGS it states that if a human is sick a bat has a low chance to get sick from you it states that it can still get sick from you but it’s not that common.

This shows how likely it is for bats to get sick going back the claim it asks at what chance the bat has to get sick this not only states that but furthermore states if it is common or not and last but not least it uses information from the website USGS this is why I know this piece of evidence supports my claim.

So we have talked about humans but not many plants so let’s get into it and so White-nose syndrome is sometimes called that fungus disease because it is most of the time caused by a fungus more or less anyway this shows the danger of fungus to bats this is bad. After all, fungus is grown in a wet environment which is caves the USGS states that: White-nose syndrome (WNS) is a disease that affects hibernating bats and is caused by a fungus, Pseudogymnoascus destructans, or Pd for short. Sometimes Pd looks like a white fuzz on bats’ faces, which is how the disease got its name.    

This supports my claim because it shows the danger of plants to bats; it uses a credible source to get evidence; it also shows how bat’s moving to different homes are dangerous to bats because of their immunity to fight the different fungus.

Bats are dying at an alarming rate because of white-nose disease because of fungus and humans.

My first piece of evidence for this is science shows that 4.8 million bats died in North American in the spaned of two months,  that is a ton one of the reasons for this is because of bats homes like I mentioned before bats are dying because of the fungus in their caves or homes this is a huge problem that we can’t fix.  

This shows that bats are dying quickly so I think we should try to help in some way may be by watching out for fungus growing in caves and removing them or helping bats that are sick like I mentioned 4.8 million bats died that’s a huge amount and mostly because of the fungus and white-nose disease.  

My second piece of evidence for this is that an estimated 6.7 million bats have died since 2006 because of an outbreak of white-nose syndrome, a fast-moving disease that has wiped out entire colonies and left caves with the bodies of dead bats this shows that it was way better then because now in 2020 4.8 million died compared to 2006 being only 6.7 million which is a lot don’t get me wrong but this shows how many bats are dying because of white-nose disease. 

This shows that so many bats are dying these days with some having reasons and some just dying but wnd has something to blame for the situation so many bats are dying every day and we aren't to blame.

My last piece of evidence is that bat’s homes are getting invaded we as humans like exploring caves and with that comes responsibility we have to be respectful to the bats and we need to keep them safe because how would you feel if someone just invaded your house and started looking around without your consent but when the bats leave tom there homes they go to another cave and with that, they could get sick because they aren't immune to the fungus in the area cursing white-nose disease and most likely dying. 

This supports the claim because I state how humans could harm bats. It shows that invading the bat's home could be the result of the death of the bat. We should know better than this. 

In conclusion, should we stay out of bats caves? Yes, us going into their caves make them leave and go to another cave more likely to die. Two because we can be the cause of the fungus growing and three we are endangering the species of bats. This proves why people should be more cautious around bats because it helps keep bats healthy. I hope you learned more about bats and the actions of being around them.

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